When working from home, loneliness can come at any time. But it doesn’t guarantee that we don’t feel lonely when we work in the office. So, workplace loneliness can come anytime and anywhere. Workplace loneliness can be bad or impair performance and productivity. People who feel it tend to be less creative, less committed, and less collaborative. It can also be identified as a factor in workplace burnout.

Here are some ways that we can do to avoid workplace loneliness.

  1. Find out why you feel lonely

The cause of loneliness can come from many factors. It can be from yourself, colleagues, or the work environment. From yourself might be some behaviors making you less likable, making it difficult to get colleagues. No one from your colleagues helps you with your work, or your colleagues rarely talk to you. From the work environment, it is difficult to establish good communication with others because the environment is not supportive, perhaps like the people in it are too ambitious and selfish. When you know what causes it, you can deal with that loneliness. For example, you can start changing your attitude, and behavior, or start to communicate with others first.

  1. Trying to be more open

Being open means that you accept criticism and suggestions from other colleagues or even your boss. They will feel more comfortable communicating and coordinating with you when you open up. So, start to be able to accept criticism and get into the habit of asking for advice.

  1. Make a good relationship

Sometimes try to leave your desk for a while to walk around and approach someone in the kitchen or communal area, to say hello. It’s possible that they also wanted to say hello or chat but were not good at opening conversations. When you do that, you can make new friends and it could be new friends from other divisions so that your connections increase a lot.

  1. Overcome the exhaustion

Exhaustion at work can lead to feelings of loneliness coming your way. The more tired we are, the lonelier we feel. So, work according to the set time, get enough rest, and maintain your work-life balance, it can overcome the exhaustion.

  1. Remember the little things

Remember the little things when conversing with your colleagues. Try to pay attention to the details of the story of your colleagues so that your colleagues will feel cared for because you remember their story. So next time, you can take turns on building and starting a topic or tell them a story, and they will care about you too. So, the feeling of loneliness will not come.

Those are five ways to beat the workplace loneliness problem. Try one of those ways when you feel lonely. We hope that helps!




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Muhammad Arif Nur Sidik