Part time job is part time work that is usually done by students who are still in college or even still in school. This part time job is also a trend now and has many benefits. Some of them are increasing experience, and helping students to be able to cope with real work when they enter the world of professional work. In addition, this part time job can help students to be able to fill their spare time and increase pocket money for their own needs.

Part time jobs nowadays are also very diverse, many part time jobs are just hobbies but if they are occupied, they can enter the professional world. There are also many kinds of part time jobs, where the following are examples of some jobs that you can try.

  • Photographer

Being a photographer is a part time job that is currently popular. Many students and young people are taking up this work and earning quite a lot of experience and a lot of money. Then, if you work as a photographer, you will have quite a lot of relationships with models and can even become a photographer in the professional world later. And lastly, if you want to be a photographer, of course you need a camera, skills, and maybe a hobby to be able to produce good photos.

  • Social media influencer 

Social media influencers are also very much occupied by students today. Many students become social media influencers and bring positive things to their followers on social media. Apart from being a positive influencer, social media influencers can also earn money from their collaboration with a brand. You can become a make-up influencer like many people today. Many make-up influencers are famous and they have become make-up influencers who are influential among make-up artists.

  • Barista 

For those of you who like to drink coffee, and make drinks such as green tea, chocolate float, and others, becoming a barista is the right choice. You can try being a barista in cafes around you. There are also many cafes that will recruit part-time baristas. Being a barista will also increase your skills in making drinks or food at cafes and you can interact with many people. You can hone your skills as a barista so that it can become a permanent job and make quite a lot of money.

  • Private tutor 

Filling free time between lectures is important, and being a private tutor has many benefits. You can teach lessons, teach musical instruments, etc. Becoming a private tutor will also sharpen your brain and increase your knowledge. It is also very helpful for you to learn to be patient in teaching children who are under your age.

Above are some examples of part time work that you can do in your spare time. You can also do this part time work according to your skills or hobbies. Hope you get the job you want!


Jenis-Jenis Kerja part time Dan Berbagai Manfaatnya. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2022, from 

Sleekr, (c) 2022, & Sleekr. (2018, April 23). Perbedaan Dan Keuntungan Menerapkan Karyawan part time, Magang, Dan Freelance. Sleekr. Retrieved May 12, 2022, from 

Laura Theressa Tanod Suhendro