April is here! Do you know what reminds people of April? From mischievous acts in April Fools’ Day to egg hunting during Easter, these are some examples of wonderful events that bond people together in April. However, this article would like to share the one and only Earth Day! Celebrated every 22nd of the month to raise awareness of the global environmental concerns that affect the entire globe! Most people may think it’s such a good event to raise awareness for our beloved Earth. However, aren’t you curious about the history and the global impact Earth Day has made in these past years? Let’s start our journey way back in 1970.

Earth Day is the result of collaborations from many individuals or organizations. They have the same vision to overcome vast amounts of leaked gas through massive and inefficient automobiles and many more concerning events that pollute our Earth. This event impels many concerns, and thus on April 22, 1970, started the first movement of Earth Day. The first Earth Day immediately drew national media attention and quickly spread across the country. Thousands of colleges and institutions held protests against environmental degradation, and there were large gatherings in cities, towns, and neighborhoods around the country. Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city dwellers and farmers, business and labor leaders all supported Earth Day 1970. By the end of 1970, the inaugural Earth Day had resulted in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency as well as the enactment of other groundbreaking environmental laws such as the National Environmental Education Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and Clean Air Act. Many countries quickly followed suit, and the United Nations picked Earth Day in 2016 to formally ratify the Paris Climate Agreement.


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EARTHDAY.ORG was founded during the 2010 Earth Day, which has enlisted the help of hundreds of millions of individuals throughout the world, facilitating civic engagement and volunteerism in 193 nations. The objective of EARTHDAY.ORG is to broaden, educate, and mobilize the global environmental movement. It is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with over 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to inspire good action for our planet. Every year, Earth Day brings together over one billion people, and it has become a crucial stepping stone in the global conversation about environmental conservation.

The legacy from Earth Day 1970 has gathered the world’s attention and brought a global impact to the whole world. Earth Day has influenced many aspects of the Earth, from landmark environmental laws in the United States to education and environmental literacy. We have reached 2022, another year to celebrate Earth Day and gather everyone around the world. To drive the irrepressible courage to safeguard and maintain our health, families, and way of life. It is up to us to keep our spirit and unite as one to keep our Earth safe from environmental issues. Let’s take a moment and ask yourself, what great things have you done to the Earth today? Have you made any impact by reducing our environmental issues? If you have, what is it? Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Image source: ttps://


References: Editors. (2009, November 24). The first Earth Day. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from HISTORY website: 

The History of Earth Day – Earth Day. (2021, July 2). Retrieved March 24, 2022, from Earth Day website:


Ivana Jane Semaya