BINUS English Club (BNEC) Social Event is a yearly event, held by BNEC to help the development of communities and help those who are in need. This year’s BNEC Social Event theme is “In Difference, We Unite.” The main purpose of this event is to increase social awareness on the importance of sign language as well as set up an open donation to help Loka Bina Karya Jagakarsa Social Institution.


           This year’s Social event consists of four parts which are a seminar session (13 August 2021), a workshop session (14 August 2021), a donation session (16 August 2021), and a virtual campaign session. The seminar session discusses the importance of sign language and its role in our society. The workshop session aims to teach the participants about sign language in which they will be able to practice in their daily lives. Both the seminar session and workshop session feature a speaker from the deaf community in which they are accompanied by an interpreter. Lastly, the donation session is the session where the representatives of the 2021 BNEC Social Event committee hand out the donations that they have collected to Loka Bina Karya Jagakarsa Social Institution. Additionally, there is a virtual campaign in the form of an Instagram Filter about sign language in which the participants of the social event will use for seven days.

           All the activities for the 2021 BNEC Social Event ran smoothly. Both the seminar session and the workshop session were a lot of fun and very insightful. The virtual campaign ran quite smoothly as well and it is hoped that it will bring more awareness to the importance of sign language. Finally, we managed to collect a total of Rp 2.150.546 in donations which we gave to Loka Bina Karya Jagakarsa Social Institutions in the form of foods, drinks, and cleaning tools.