How to Create a Strong Yet Memorable Password !

Creating a password could be a real issue for some people. If it is too easy, it spreads everywhere, too hard? You won’t remember it the next day. So, how to create a proper password yet easy to remember for our social media handle?

  1. Password must be 8 character OR LONGER. The longer the better. Because it is easy for people out there to do a brute-force attack and steal some people identity with short password. (because it is fast too!)
  2. Use character other than a-z. it’s easier to guess ‘password’ than ‘P@55w0d’. Notice that I wrote ‘P@SSw0d’ without ‘r’. It leads us to another point.
  3. Do not use complete English word like ‘Hello’ or ‘Create’ use ‘Hllo’ or ‘Cr3te’ instead.
  4. Do not use your name as your password. I condemned thee who used their own name as their own password.
  5. Do not use your birth date as it is too predictable and if someone knows your birthdate your privacy might be in danger.
  6. Do not use number or alphabet sequentially, like ‘Henky123’ or ‘Tornadopqrstuvwxyz’
  7. Do not use alphabet or number repetitively like ‘Henkyyyy’ or ‘Tornad00’


Here’s our tip to make a strong and memorable password:

Create a sentence such as “I love cotton candy” or any sentence that is easy for you to remember and create a short form of it like “Ilvctncndy”

That’s our tips on making a strong yet memorable password. You can contact us on Instagram : @cscbinus if you have more question to ask.

Allicia Viona