[HIMME x Pinjam Modal: Edukasi Fintech Legal]

Pinjam Modal is a platform where borrowers  meet investors to obtain business and financial solutions for Indonesian society. The company’s mission is to collaborate and gives a valuable impact for all generation, including universities students.
Bringing the theme of “Pinjaman Online yang Aman”, Pinjam Modal educates Binusian about the importance of trusted lending application that provides competitive returns, strict verification, and eligibility on Friday (08/03/2023). Which all of the aspects mentioned above, are able to be gained through Pinjam Modal’s programs.
The insight that was shared on the seminar, is truly an eye-opening experience for business students to optimally manage financial possibilities in career opportunities. HIMME BINUS would like to express our sincere gratitude for this awesome and rare chance of learning fintech directly from a reputable company.