IRB News is a student-run organization dedicated to report, analyze, and speak of the countless happenstances that occur both within the international world as well as inside the domestic sphere of Indonesia. Our reason behind choosing an international scope alongside a more localized one are quite simple.

     Firstly, IRB is primarily staffed by International Relations undergraduates, who all live within the confines of Indonesia. Hence, despite our studies oft leading us to tread grounds far beyond our homes—either through literature, or even via the rare opportunities of being in  these faraway lands physically—it is difficult for any member of a nation to not care about their homeland; especially if the goings-on of the international realm has the possibility of directly affecting Indonesia’s future. Thus our decision to cover both the international and domestic realms.

     Furthermore, our decision to place the international world and Indonesia at our organization’s forefront would mean equal commitment from our reporters, editors, and other members of staff to never neglect their coverage on either of the two realms. In order to inform and educate those curious about what is actually going on around them, both near and far. And with the current international climate being rather unpredictable, there is a great need for all of us—readers and writers alike—to be able to comprehend the countless information constantly thrown at us without losing sight of the facts.