Global Warming


Global warming is the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth, and cause the green house effect.

Basically, there are many things that effect global warming, but these are the most influential reason that make global warming increases. The first one is, people or US just admit it, we would like to prefer using private vehicles to public vehicles. The more transportations we use, the more co2 is produced because, transportations use machines that produce gasses including the dangerous one, Carbon Dioxide and also, Carbon Monoxide. As well as deforestation.
People tend to cut down trees for they own advantages. they not thinking what will happen in the future if there are no trees, they cut down trees for making industries, houses, and others and they produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide as well. the less tress cause the less carbon dioxide are taken away. Carbon dioxide is a hot gas that increase global warming rapidly.
The effect of global warming is earth temperature is getting hotter which cause glacier in north and south pole also iceberg is melting and it cause the rising sea level which cause (again) some land and places get them sink and disappeared on water. Due to this, animal whom lives in the north and south pole (Antarctica) lost their habitats. Almost everywhere in this world get the effect of global warming. The biggest effect happens in the ocean. How to prevent global warming is we have to do 3R Program which stands for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Buy energy-efficient appliances that are saving energy for example use less air conditioner and use public transportations.