Activating Youth Leadership Since 1948

AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential since 1948. We strive to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential by activating leadership qualities in youth through learning from practical experiences in challenging environments. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education.

AIESEC in Indonesia was established in 1984 as an official country entity of AIESEC International. AIESEC in Indonesia is now spread over in 26 Local Offices in 18 cities and 34 universities with approximately 1500 active members annually, and sending and receiving more than 2000+ youth to do exchanges.

AIESEC in BINUS is a part of AIESEC in Indonesia that was established in 2010.



  1. Enabling young people to develop their leadership through learning from practical experiences in challenging environment.
  2. Facilitating cross cultural exchanges and creating these opportunities.
  3. Placing our confidence in youth as the key to unlock a better future.

Our Campus Locations

SCAC Alam Sutera Campus

Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat Kav. 21
Alam Sutera, Tangerang 15143
1st Floor
Telp : 021–2977-9100
Ext. 7202

SCAC Syahdan Campus

Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9
Kemanggisan, Palmerah
Jakarta Barat 11480
1st Floor
Telp : 021–534–5830, 535–0660
Fax : 021–530–0244
Ext. 2162, 2164

Our Social Media

Instagram: @aiesecbinus
LINE Official Account: @dhh3485l


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Vincent Claudius

Louis Enggar T.D.

Amanda Qayla Kirana

Jose Adrian

Averina Nicole S.

Britney Angeline S.

Sifra Cira Octavia

Maisyarani Salsabila Z.

Mudhia Darainy

Stephanie Wang

Michelle Nathania

Nathan Valiant

Anastasya Wilona

Ray Joshua S. Lee

Deby Caprina

Adiibah Fadya Y.

Jennifer Evelyn

Ayu Azalia

Rachelle Celina S.

Michelle Caroline


Aurelia Tera P.

Joan Christiana P.

Eilene Frederica O. P.

Diona Philia K.

Marissa Angelina S.

Marcellino Lung

Miecel Alicia Angel J.

Hilda Junita S.

Angelica Felicia V.

M. Alif Putra M.

Davin Gerald K.

M. Rafli Suherlan

Priscilla P. Padma

Dinda Nayla F.

Angelica Jessie T.

Nasya Sarasvati S.

Ghina Nasya Q.

Raisya Inara