Highlight of Indonesian Women’s Rights Figures

Every 8th of March, we celebrate international women’s day. As a form of celebration, let’s commemorate the services of national female heroes who have fought for women’s rights in Indonesia!


Kartini’s interest in reading led to the advancement of women’s education in Indonesia. She thought that women should not be restricted to housework, but should also attain knowledge. She began to gather women around her to be taught on how to read and write. After her marriage, she built Sekolah Kartini, a school intended for women.


Since a young age, Dewi Sartika had shown a passion for teaching. She often taught reading, writing and Dutch language to the children of the governor’s assistants. Her enthusiasm in fighting for education for women increased over time, until in 1902, Dewi Sartika built Sakola Istri, a special school for girls which continued to grow to Bukittinggi


Cut Nyak Dhien contributed herself as a leader during the war against the Dutch in Meulaboh. While leading the war against the Dutch, Cut Nyak Dhien was feared by Dutch colonialism because of her courage and intelligence.


Rasuna Said was famous for her skill in speeches, debates, and writing. Because of her intelligence, she earned the title ‘The Minangkabau lion’. Rasuna Said once led the editorial office of Raya magazine, which was banned due to its sharp criticism of the Dutch colonial government.

Those are some of Indonesian women’s rights historical figures. There are still so many figures and activists out there that we cannot mention one by one. You can also give a contribution to fight for women’s rights.


SOURCES: =aaaaaaaatamu&id2=&id3=aaaaankp49_pahlawan

Geldarahaz Mialma Syifa