Things (You Need) to Invest in Your 20s

Our 20s fly by before we know it, and we want to make sure we did the decade justice. Did we worry about the right things? Are we where we should be now? The best way to prepare for those questions and answer them to the best of our abilities, is to make sure spend time on what really matters and what may help us in the future.

Here are some of the important things you should invest while you’re 20s:

1. Network.

If you form a solid mainstay of people, you are exposed to more opportunities and potential for success in both your career and in your personal life. Build bridges, because you never know when you might be looking to cross them

2. Read. A lot.

There is nothing more productive than taking the time to read. Read whatever you can get your hands on — current news, nonfiction, fiction, career advice, self-help books — anything! The more you know and understand about people around you, yourself and the world, the more easily and successfully you can navigate those very things.

3. Use your time and money on education

Education is an invaluable resource that you are unlikely to ever regret having. Money is well spent when it is used to broaden your mind and pool of knowledge, especially when honing skills to be applied to your career path.

4. Learn new skills (and master them)

While the advice to “follow your passion” can be good in the general sense, John. J. Bowman urges those in their 20s to master and control a set of skills that can be used to benefit you within the field you are passionate about.

5. Build meaningful relationships

Now is the time to drop the fair-weather friends and make time only for those who are really going to stick around and be positive forces in your life. As you mature, so should your relationships, so you don’t have time to waste on people who will be harmful rather than helpful in your pursuit of your future goals.

6. Establish a system for handling finances

Sit down and figure out how you are spending money, what you are spending it on, and what your ongoing expenses are. “If you take care of your finances starting today they will take care of you when you most need them.

Eat Well
7. Eat well.

Spend time planning meals, learning healthy recipes, and overall taking what you’re eating into consideration regularly. Gone are the days when donuts, chips, and sodas can pass as a full day’s meal. Even it if takes a little more time and effort, your future self will thank you when you find yourself maintaining your energy and healthy body as you age.

8. Travel

In your 20s, you’re full of enthusiasm and energy and usually have the mobility to indulge a bit of wanderlust. So indulge it. Experience new cultures, countries, and challenges. You will learn things that you can take with you and apply to your life back at home, traveling with a purpose.