AIESEC in BINUS 23.24 Youth Career Growth 2024 #PlantingYouthSuccess- Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success
Youth Career Growth 2024
#PlantingYouthSuccess- Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success
Youth Career Growth merupakan inisiatif lokal yang diselenggarakan oleh AIESEC di BINUS untuk mendukung individu muda dalam perjalanan pengembangan karir mereka. Youth Career Growth, yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama GrowToWork pada tahun 2021 dan 2022, bertujuan untuk mendukung individu muda dalam pengembangan karir mereka melalui seminar-seminar yang menarik dan edukatif. Acara ini menjadi platform bagi para peserta untuk mendapatkan wawasan berharga mengenai dunia profesional dan membekali diri dengan keterampilan penting yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses.
Pada tanggal 14 Juni 2024, AIESEC in BINUS X Prosperity dengan bangga mempersembahkan acara Youth Career Growth 2024 yang mengusung topik “Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success”. Acara yang diadakan secara onsite di BINUS Alam Sutera, ruangan A0901-03 ini berhasil menarik lebih dari 100+ pendaftar dan dihadiri lebih dari 80+ peserta dari mahasiswa Universitas Bina Nusantara, siswa SMA, dan mahasiswa dari universitas lain. Melalui acara kolaborasi Youth Career Growth antara AIESEC in BINUS dan partner Prosperity, kami mengundang pembicara spesial dari Prosperity dengan latar belakang di dunia korporat dan entrepreneurship untuk memberikan wawasan praktikal kepada peserta untuk persiapan jalan karir peserta. Dengan berfokus pada SDG 8: Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, AIESEC in BINUS berkomitmen untuk mendukung generasi muda untuk pembekalan persiapan karir di dunia korporat dan entrepreneur seiring dengan tantangan karir yang semakin kompleks di era sekarang. Penekanan kata “planting” di campaign “#PlantingYouthSuccess” pun diharapkan agar peserta dapat bertumbuh dan menyiapkan bibit kesuksesan karir mereka di masa mendatang dari apa yang dapat mereka tuai lewat acara ini.
Acara Youth Career Growth 2024 diiringi oleh kedua Master of Ceremony (MC), yaitu Dalila Zaky Alifa dan Maheswari Araminta yang membuka acara lewat interaksi check-in questions dengan peserta. MC kemudian mempersilahkan Person In Charge (PIC), Vincen Tachika Ho, dan Organizing Committee President, Gladys Callista Yacintaman, untuk memulai acara dengan sambutan hangat. Setelah itu, MC memperkenalkan pembicara pertama yaitu, Astuti Nerlisa, dan pembicara kedua yaitu, Romy Pramudji, yang dilengkapi dengan pemutaran video perkenalan pembicara. Selanjutnya, acara pun semakin meriah dengan berlangsungnya sesi game berupa trivia seputar dunia pekerjaan lewat platform Quizizz. Para peserta berdiskusi memecahkan jawabannya dan mengumpulkan jawabannya melalui salah satu perangkat peserta di masing-masing kelompok. Para peserta pun antusias dalam berpartisipasi untuk memperebutkan posisi juara dan hadiahnya bagi kelompok dengan skor tertinggi. Dari sesi game tersebut, kelompok dengan skor tertinggi di Quizizz pun memenangkan hadiah goodie bag.
Agenda acara berikutnya yaitu berlangsungnya sesi diskusi studi kasus yang berkaitan dengan topik acara dan setelahnya mempresentasikan dari hasil diskusi kelompok peserta. Sesi studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk menguji wawasan umum peserta dan setelahnya ada sesi evaluasi khusus dari pembicara pertama untuk mengevaluasi langsung dari presentasi studi kasus kelompok yang maju. Para partisipan dalam kelompok yang telah diatur pun diberikan kertas dan spidol untuk membantu mereka menuangkan ide mereka lewat tulisan dan mempresentasikannya di atas podium. Sesi presentasi pun berjalan dengan lancar dan disambut dengan antusiasme tinggi dengan banyaknya kelompok yang inisiatif maju mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka di podium. Dari sesi presentasi studi kasus pun terpilih satu kelompok dengan jawaban dan presentasi terbaik yang berhak menerima hadiah goodie bag.
Sesi evaluasi hasil studi kasus peserta pun dilangsungkan oleh pembicara pertama, yaitu Astuti Nerlisa selaku founder dari komunitas bisnis Prosperity. Kak Astuti mengevaluasi dan mengaitkan keseluruhan hasil studi kasus dengan topik materi yang dibawakannya. Kak Astuti kemudian membawakan materi dengan topik “Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success” yang dikemas dengan presentasi yang menarik. Beliau membahas fenomena dunia kerja Gen Z, memberikan tips praktikal untuk menghadapi tantangan karir, dan menggali lebih dalam tentang dunia korporat serta entrepreneurship. Sebagai sosok berpengalaman di kedua dunia tersebut, Kak Astuti pun membagikan tips praktikal untuk dapat sukses berkarir di dunia korporat dan dunia entrepreneur, terutama bagi mahasiswa BINUSIAN yang akan menyiapkan jalur enrichment.
Sesi materi kedua pun dibawakan oleh pembicara kedua, yaitu Romy Pramudji selaku business mentor dari Prosperity. Dalam sesinya, kak Romy membawakan topik 2, yaitu “Driving the Future: Tested Internship Tips and Competitive Entrepreneurship Strategies”. Ia juga membawakan sesi khusus terkait Prosperity, yang merupakan partner kolaborasi acara Youth Career Growth 2024 dengan AIESEC in BINUS. Kak Romy membawakan lebih lanjut terkait peluang dan tips karir kedepannya sesuai dengan fakta lapangan saat ini. Beliau memberikan fakta dan membagikan pengalaman dari dirinya sendiri yang inspirasional ke para peserta yang hendak terjun ke dunia karir.
Setelah sesi materi kedua oleh kak Romy, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi Q&A langsung yang disambut dengan banyaknya partisipan yang aktif bertanya. Dari sesi tersebut, terpilih 3 peserta dengan pertanyaan terbaik yang memenangkan hadiah berupa e-money. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi apresiasi ke para pembicara dengan PIC dan Organizing Committee President memberikan simbolis plakat ke para pembicara yang dilengkapi dan diabadikan lewat dokumentasi. Setelah itu, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi apresiasi dan pengumuman peserta yang memenangkan kategori “best questions”, “most active delegates”, “games winner”, dan “best study case group presentation”. Para pemenang dipanggil ke podium, diberikan hadiah sesuai kategori mereka, dan didokumentasi bersama.
Setibanya di penghujung acara, MC memberikan check-out question kemudian membacakan adlibs partner kolaborasi dengan Prosperity dan media partner. MC juga melanjutkan dengan pengumuman acara-acara AIESEC berikutnya, yaitu acara SDG Level Up dengan topik “Curious Minds: Investing in Practical Learning’s Long-Term Effects” dan acara Global Talent. MC melanjutkan dengan pengumuman call to action yang harus dilakukan oleh peserta dan mengarahkan untuk mengisi exit forms dan satisfaction survey yang tersedia di layar berupa qr code.
Secara keseluruhan, acara Youth Career Growth 2024: #PlantingYouthSuccess- Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success berhasil terlaksana dengan baik, mulai dari tahap perencanaan, penyusunan, hingga eksekusi pada hari-H acara. Feedback yang positif dari peserta dan pembicara menunjukkan respon puas terhadap keseluruhan acara dan bahwa acara ini memberikan manfaat besar dalam membantu generasi muda mempersiapkan diri mereka untuk karir profesional. Keberhasilan acara ini menjadi motivasi bagi AIESEC in BINUS untuk terus mengadakan acara yang lebih baik di masa mendatang. Kami berharap acara ini dapat menjadi fondasi yang kokoh bagi peserta dalam menavigasi dunia kerja yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan.
Youth Career Growth 2024
#PlantingYouthSuccess- Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success
Youth Career Growth is a local initiative organized by AIESEC In BINUS to support young individuals in their career development journey. Youth Career Growth, previously known as GrowToWork in 2021 and 2022, aims to support young individuals in their career development through engaging and educational seminars. The event serves as a platform for participants to gain valuable insights into the professional world and equip themselves with the essential skills needed to succeed.
On June 14, 2024, AIESEC in BINUS X Prosperity proudly presented the Youth Career Growth 2024 event with the topic “Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success”. The event held onsite at BINUS Alam Sutera, room A0901-03 attracted more than 100+ registrants and was attended by more than 80+ participants from Bina Nusantara University students, high school students, and students from other universities. Through the Youth Career Growth collaboration event between AIESEC in BINUS and partner Prosperity, we invited a special speaker from Prosperity with a background in the corporate world and entrepreneurship to provide practical insights to participants in preparation for their career path. With a focus on SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, AIESEC in BINUS is committed to supporting the younger generation with career preparation in the corporate and entrepreneurial world as career challenges become increasingly complex in today’s era. The emphasis on the word “planting” in the “#PlantingYouthSuccess” campaign also hopes that participants can grow and prepare seeds for their future career success from what they can reap through this event.
The Youth Career Growth 2024 event was accompanied by the two Masters of Ceremony (MCs), Dalila Zaky Alifa and Maheswari Araminta, who opened the event by interacting with participants through check-in questions. The MCs then invited the Person In Charge (PIC), Vincen Tachika Ho, and Organizing Committee President, Gladys Callista Yacintaman, to start the event with a warm welcome. After that, the MC introduced the first speaker, Astuti Nerlisa, and the second speaker, Romy Pramudji, which was complemented by the screening of the speaker introduction video. Furthermore, the event was even more lively with the game session in the form of trivia about the world of work through the Quizizz platform. The participants discussed solving the answers and collected the answers through one of the participants’ devices in each group. The participants were enthusiastic in participating to compete for the champion position and prizes for the group with the highest score. From the game session, the group with the highest score on Quizizz won a goodie bag.
The next event agenda was a case study discussion session related to the topic of the event and afterwards presenting the results of the participants’ group discussions. This case study session aims to test the general insight of the participants and afterwards there is a special evaluation session from the first speaker to evaluate directly from the case study presentations of the advanced groups. The participants in the organized groups were given paper and markers to help them express their ideas through writing and presenting them on the podium. The presentation session went smoothly and was met with great enthusiasm with many groups taking the initiative to present the results of their discussions on the podium. From the case study presentation session, one group with the best answers and presentation was chosen to receive a goodie bag.
The evaluation session of the participants’ case study results was held by the first speaker, Astuti Nerlisa, the founder of the Prosperity business community. Astuti evaluated and linked the overall results of the case studies with the topic of the material she presented. Astuti then presented the topic “Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success” which was packed with interesting presentations. She discussed the phenomenon of the Gen Z workplace, provided practical tips for facing career challenges, and delved deeper into the corporate world and entrepreneurship. As an experienced figure in both worlds, kak Astuti also shared practical tips for a successful career in the corporate world and the entrepreneurial world, especially for BINUSIAN students who will prepare an enrichment path.
The second material session was presented by the second speaker, Romy Pramudji as a business mentor from Prosperity. In his session, Kak Romy presented topic 2, namely “Driving the Future: Proven Internship Tips and Competitive Entrepreneurship Strategies”. He also delivered a special session related to Prosperity, which is a collaboration partner of the Youth Career Growth 2024 event with AIESEC In BINUS. He presented further related career opportunities and tips in the future according to current field facts. He provided facts and shared experiences from himself that inspired the participants who were about to enter the career world.
After the second material session by Mr. Romy, the event continued with a live Q&A session which was welcomed by many participants who actively asked questions. From the session, 3 participants with the best questions were selected to win prizes in the form of e-money. The event then continued with an appreciation session to the speakers with the PIC and Organizing Committee President giving symbolic plaques to the speakers who were equipped and immortalized through documentation. After that, the event continued with an appreciation session and announcement of participants who won the categories of “best questions”, “most active delegates”, “games winner”, and “best study case group presentation”. The winners were called to the podium, given prizes according to their categories, and documented together.
At the end of the event, the MC gave a check-out question and then read the adlibs of the collaboration partners with Prosperity and media partners. The MC also continued with the announcement of the next AIESEC events, namely the SDG Level Up event with the topic “Curious Minds: Investing in Practical Learning’s Long-Term Effects” and the Global Talent event. The MC continued with the announcement of the call to action that must be done by the participants and directed them to fill out the exit forms and satisfaction survey available on the screen in the form of a qr code.
Overall, the Youth Career Growth 2024: #PlantingYouthSuccess- Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success was successfully executed, from the planning, organization, to the execution on the event day. Positive feedback from participants and speakers indicated a satisfied response to the overall event and that the event provided great benefits in helping the younger generation prepare themselves for professional careers. The success of this event motivates AIESEC in BINUS to continue organizing better events in the future. We hope that this event can be a solid foundation for participants in navigating the dynamic and challenging world of work.
Documentation of Speaker 1 session- Astuti Nerlisa (Navigating Youth Career Path: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Journey and Corporate Landscape for Success)
Documentation of Speaker 2 session- Romy Pramudji (Driving the Future: Proven Internship Tips and Competitive Entrepreneurship Strategies)
Documentation of Study Case Presentation session
Documentation of Participants