AIESEC Future Leaders (AFL) adalah program inisiatif AIESEC in Indonesia dan AIESEC in BINUS sebagai ruang untuk memberikan ruang pengembangan diri bagi pemuda untuk mengambil peran kepemimpinan dalam masyarakat dalam bentuk kelas komunitas, coaching, dan networking. Acara ini diikuti oleh peserta berusia 18-21 tahun dimana mereka mendapatkan wawasan tentang soft & hard skill kemudian menuangkan ilmu baru tersebut ke dalam proyek akhir bernama Special Track. Ada 3 topik utama yang dibahas dalam AFL yang disesuaikan di setiap bulannya. Dengan bulan pertama bertema “Mission Commence: Discovering The Main Character Mindset”, bulan kedua “Mission Ignite: Communicate, Captivate, and Influence the Market”, dan bulan ketiga “Missions Unveiled: Executing Success in Modern Business”.
Sesi pertama, Stoic Resilience: Embracing Inner Strength, dibawakan oleh pembicara Yogie Pranowo, seorang Adjunct Associate Lecturer di Multimedia Nusantara University. Selama sesi, Kak Yogie menekankan kendali atas apa yang ada dalam jangkauan dan respons yang penuh perhatian terhadap tantangan eksternal. Para delegates secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam studi kasus langsung, memberi solusi dan menerima umpan balik langsung, memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang stoicism.
Sesi kedua, Entering the Flow State, dibawakan oleh pembicara Zulfandi Yahya, Associate of Training and Development di ShARE Universitas Indonesia. Dalam sesi tersebut para delegates mengeksplorasi Flow State dimana seseorang benar-benar fokus pada satu tugas atau aktivitas. Kak Zulfan menekankan elemen kunci dari kesenangan dan keseimbangan antara keterampilan dan tantangan. Para delegasi dalam sesi interaktif menangani studi kasus dan mendapat masukan langsung dari Kak Zulfan.
Sesi ketiga, Pitch Perfect: Mastering the Art of Persuasion, dibawakan oleh pembicara Elizabeth Chrysanta Gunawan, seorang Production Manager di Multi Buana Kreasindo & Freelance Creative Producer. Dalam sesi tersebut pembicara menjelaskan secara mendalam tentang seni persuasi. Selain komunikasi, ini adalah perjalanan menuju penemuan diri dan pengembangan kepercayaan diri. Tiga bahan utama persuasi adalah inovatif, beragam, dan saling melengkapi.
Sesi keempat, Leveraging Market Research, dibawakan oleh pembicara Rashifa Nindya Putri Head of Creative Economy BEM KEMA UNPAD. Dalam sesinya kak Rashifa menekankan empati melalui pendekatan penelitian yang berpusat pada pengguna, kami fokus pada transformasi masalah menjadi solusi dengan memahami perspektif pengguna. Ingatlah bahwa riset pasar bukan sekadar titik awal namun merupakan proses berkelanjutan untuk kesuksesan program atau produk.
Sesi kelima, Cultivating Synergies: Elevating Business Teams, dibawakan oleh pembicara Astuti Nerlisa Tambunan, seorang Founder dari The Prosperity ID. Sesi ini menyelami bagaimana kita dapat meningkatkan agenda tim bisnis. Dengan wawasan yang diambil dari pengalamannya sendiri, Kak Astuti mengeksplorasi kesuksesan dalam bisnis, berbagi nasihat berharga dalam memulai, merencanakan, dan melaksanakan strategi. Para delegasi memperoleh pemahaman mendalam tentang perjalanan bisnis dan belajar menanamkan kreativitas dan semangat ke dalam upaya mereka.
Sesi keenam kami, Advancing Collaborative Partnerships, dibawakan oleh pembicara Fara Reza Syafira, LPDP Awardee PK-211 | MSc Student at University of Glasgow, UK. Sesi ini menggali pengenalan tren yang berkembang dan peluang yang belum dijelajahi dalam kemitraan kolaboratif. Para delegasi membuat cetak biru untuk kolaborasi yang kuat, mengintegrasikan beragam wawasan dan ide. Kak Fara juga menjajaki strategi untuk menghadapi tantangan kemitraan, dengan menekankan pentingnya membangun hubungan yang berketahanan. Dapatkan kedalaman yang signifikan dalam memahami dinamika kolaboratif dengan sesi mendalam ini.
Sesi ketujuh kami, Epicurean Wisdom for Modern Work-Life Harmony, dibawakan oleh pembicara Belinda Azzahra seorang Commercial GT at Philip Morris International. Dalam sesi ini kami fokus untuk menemukan ketenangan dan perhatian di tempat kerja, ditambah dengan manajemen waktu yang efektif untuk memastikan keseimbangan kehidupan kerja. Selain itu, para delegasi juga mempresentasikan Aktivitas Jalur Khusus mereka pada pertengahan hingga akhir sesi.
Di luar 7 sesi tersebut, para peserta juga mendapatkan 4 sesi group coaching dengan coach masing-masing dan 2 networking space, LC2LC dan International. LC2LC Networking Space diadakan secara kolaboratif dengan AIESEC in USU untuk memperluas koneksi peserta kami dengan peserta AFL dari entitas AIESEC lainnya dan International Networking Space diadakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman lintas budaya kepada peserta kami. Kami berhasil mendapatkan 1 IR Partner yaitu, AIESEC in University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS).
Terakhir, untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal terakhir kepada semua peserta dan pelatih, kami mengadakan sesi AFL Debrief. Namun perjalanan kepemimpinan peserta kami tidak hanya sampai di situ karena kami juga memberikan Activating Leadership Support (ALS) bagi mereka yang masih ingin melanjutkan perjalanannya bersama AIESEC.
Melalui program AIESEC Future Leaders ini, AIESEC in BINUS ingin mengembangkan kualitas kepemimpinan yang terdiri dari berorientasi solusi, warga dunia, sadar diri, dan memberdayakan orang lain.
English Version
AIESEC Future Leaders (AFL) is an initiative program of AIESEC in Indonesia and AIESEC in BINUS as a space to provide self-development space for young people to take on leadership roles in society in the form of community classes, coaching and networking. This event was attended by participants aged 18-21 years where they gained insight into soft & hard skills and then poured this new knowledge into a final project called Special Track. There are 3 main themes discussed in AFL which are adjusted every month. With the first month’s theme “Mission Commence: Discovering The Main Character Mindset”, the second month “Mission Ignite: Communicate, Captivate, and Influence the Market”, and the third month “Missions Unveiled: Executing Success in Modern Business”.
The first session, Stoic Resilience: Embracing Inner Strength, was presented by speaker Yogie Pranowo, an Adjunct Associate Lecturer at Multimedia Nusantara University. During the session, Kak Yogie emphasized control over what is within reach and mindful response to external challenges. Delegates actively participate in live case studies, provide solutions and receive immediate feedback, deepening their understanding of stoicism.
The second session, Entering the Flow State, was presented by speaker Zulfandi Yahya, Associate of Training and Development at SHARE University of Indonesia. In this session the delegates explored Flow State where a person really focuses on one task or activity. Kak Zulfan emphasizes the key elements of fun and balance between skill and challenge. The delegates in the interactive session handled case studies and received direct input from Kak Zulfan.
The third session, Pitch Perfect: Mastering the Art of Persuasion, was presented by speaker Elizabeth Chrysanta Gunawan, a Production Manager at Multi Buana Kreasindo & Freelance Creative Producer. In this session the speaker explained in depth about the art of persuasion. Beyond communication, it is a journey towards self-discovery and developing self-confidence. The three main ingredients of persuasion are innovative, diverse and complementary.
The fourth session, Leveraging Market Research, was presented by speaker Rashifa Nindya Putri Head of Creative Economy BEM KEMA UNPAD. In her session, Rashifa emphasized empathy through a user-centered research approach, we focus on transforming problems into solutions by understanding the user’s perspective. Remember that market research is not just a starting point but is an ongoing process for the success of a program or product.
The fifth session, Cultivating Synergies: Elevating Business Teams, was presented by speaker Astuti Nerlisa Tambunan, founder of The Prosperity ID. This session dives into how we can improve business team agendas. With insights drawn from her own experience, Kak Astuti explores success in business, sharing valuable advice on starting, planning and executing strategies. Delegates gain a deep understanding of the business journey and learn to infuse creativity and passion into their efforts.
Our sixth session, Advancing Collaborative Partnerships, was presented by speaker Fara Reza Syafira, LPDP Awardee PK-211 | MSc Student at University of Glasgow, UK. This session explores the introduction of emerging trends and unexplored opportunities in collaborative partnerships. Delegates created a blueprint for strong collaboration, integrating diverse insights and ideas. Sis Fara also explored strategies for facing partnership challenges, emphasizing the importance of building resilient relationships. Gain significant depth in understanding collaborative dynamics with these in-depth sessions.
Our seventh session, Epicurean Wisdom for Modern Work-Life Harmony, was presented by speaker Belinda Azzahra, a Commercial GT at Philip Morris International. In this session we focus on finding calm and mindfulness in the workplace, coupled with effective time management to ensure work-life balance. In addition, delegates also presented their Special Track Activities in the middle to end of the session.
Apart from these 7 sessions, participants also received 4 group coaching sessions with their respective coaches and 2 networking spaces, LC2LC and International. The LC2LC Networking Space was held collaboratively with AIESEC in USU to expand our participants’ connections with AFL participants from other AIESEC entities and the International Networking Space was held with the aim of providing a cross-cultural experience to our participants. We succeeded in getting 1 IR Partner, namely, AIESEC in University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS).
Finally, to say a final goodbye to all the participants and coaches, we held an AFL Debrief session. However, our participants’ leadership journey does not end there because we also provide Activating Leadership Support (ALS) for those who still want to continue their journey with AIESEC.
Through the AIESEC Future Leaders program, AIESEC in BINUS wants to develop leadership qualities consisting of being solution-oriented, global citizens, self-aware, and empowering others.