Find a NEW Superpower in YOU!

Did you know that inside everyone there is a unique superpower waiting to be unleashed?

Just like Benjamin Disraeli once said “Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very existence to the extent of its purpose”, The source of one’s each superpower is actually their will and purpose.

However in addition, everyone also posses a unique superpower that no other has. So, here’s how you can find out your superpower!

The answer is one,


Although the source of one’s superpower is the human will, it is only driven by the need of wanting more and it’s powered by creativity. So, don’t be afraid of trying new things and finding creative breakthroughs to achieve success and always keep in mind that an objective is only achievable by the realistic timeline that you set and the attainable target at the end of the road.

Have you heard NewJeans’ new song “New Jeans”?

In the song, the member transforms into Powerpuff Girl characters expressing a sense of renewal and self-discovery. The song represents a character who is ready to embrace change and step into a new phase of their life, much like putting on a new pair of jeans. The song seems to celebrate individuality, freshness, and the joy of presenting a new version of oneself to the world.


Celine Aretha Halim