Breaking the Distraction Cycle: Boost Your Study Productivity

Have you ever found yourself willing to study for an exam but ended-up scrolling through social media or watching a Netflix series? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Let’s find out the way to break this bad-cycle.


Find Yourself a Perfect Study Spot

Try to find a place that secluded from the crowd, where you cannot see people moving around. It could be a library or study lounge based on your preferences. Make sure to remove unnecessary items from your study space.


Get Rid of Noise and Notifications 

Having an electronic device near you with notifications popping-up is a highly tempting and disruptive distraction.

Follow these tips:

1) Set your phone in a do not disturb mode

2) Keep the internet tab to minimum and use an app to block distracting websites

3) Use a noise canceling headphone and listen to a study playlist


Schedule Breaks in Between Study Sessions

Remember that your body and mind need a moment to recharge. Scheduling a little breaks can help you become more focused on the next study sessions.

Tips : “The Pomodoro Technique”.

1 study session – 25 minutes – 5 breaks. After four sets, rest for 30 minutes.


Study, Pray, Rest

Remember, success is already within you. It’s all a matter of managing yourself effectively.

Wishing you the best for your exam,

I know you will nailed it ~



Grace Christina Lianto