Pause, Prepare, and Pray – Cuz it’s exam season and I know you can nailed it.

Hello Aisecers!, It’s exam season and I know It could be very stressful, overwhelming and tiring at the same time.

I am here to tell you that it’s normal to feel that way. You scared that you couldn’t answer the question and won’t get a good grades meaning that you care about your education and I support that for you. So, here’s 3 activities you could do before, during and after the exam.

1. Pause

Pause everything that you do, whether it’s scrolling through social media, binge your favorite tv series or simply finding a good music to help you study which usually ended up taking 2 hours long. 

Take a deep breath, one of many breathing technics which you could try is the 4-7-8 breathing technic. All you need to do is to take 4 sec to inhale, 7 sec to hold your breath and 8 sec exhale. Do it several time and hopefully it could encourages you to be more focused.

2. Prepare

Make a to do list, break down your today activities. You could ask yourself in the morning like “What I want to achieve today?” , “What are my goals for today?” Or “How could I maximize my time today?” . Also don’t underestimate yourself with negative thoughts, if I a stranger (like me) know you could nailed the exam then you should have the courage to believe in yourself too.

Get as many information and inspiration as you can, review the topic which you’ve learned and if you still have any question then use the internet, read a book which related to the subject or  open your note. If you feel stuck give yourself a 20 mins or maybe an hour break. Give yourself a reward for how far you’ve come. My favorite activities during break is to walk outside. It could truly help you out of your mind.

3. Pray

Last but not least, pray and let the magical things happened. Knowing you’ve done your best and let God do the rest. 

Here’s an extra activities which you could do :

Pat yourself people. You nailed it.


Sources :

Kirana Metta Mulya