What’s in the Water?

Do you know that 60% – 70% of human body contains water. We need at least 2 liters of water every day. Meaning that water is something that essential for our body to functions anda to keep us all alive. Knowing these facts, how could we still somehow manage to ruin the water by throw our waste into the sea?

We don’t even think about how important it’s to have a clean water for our body. How could we think about the others? And when I said others I mean living beings like small Frogfish or enermous Whale Shark. 

On September 2022 based on, 93% of Indonesia’s river had been poluted by microplastic and on May 2022 based on VOA Indonesia, there are hundreds of fishes died because of how poluted the water was. It’s time for us to reflect. Is it really what we want to do? Not only we destroying the habitat of many living beings that lives in the water. We also slowly destroying our body by consuming water, fish or even octopus which had already been contained with toxic chemicals from our waste.

One of many chemicals which mostly found in a toxicated fish is Mercury. Mercury is a naturally occurring metal found in the environment which the in the worst case could may cause damage to the nervous system of an unborn child. But of course not only that, there are Ciguatera poisoning which is a form of food poisoning caused by eating warm water ocean fish that have ciguatera poison (toxin). The symptomps could be vomiting, muscle pain, skin pain and at some cases it could lead to coma. 

Remember that it’s never too late to make a progres. Starting of by bringing your own water bottle and reusable bag whenever you go out. It’s cool to care about our enviroment and our body.

Kirana Metta Mulya