#GetToKnowEBs : Meet our LCP!

#GetToKnowEBs : Meet our LCP!

✨Sabina Maritza Alva Putri✨

This week, our current Local Committee President (LCP) Sabina, shares several important lessons from her experience that we ought to learn.

“Be bold enough to dream and brave enough to try” Sabina said.

Here are some of the questions we asked Sabina:

  • What is the motivation when you decides to join AIESEC besides the feeling of wanting to try?

I feel the vision that AIESEC carries is aligned with one of my goal, which is to empower others and make them be their best kind of person. Moreover, AIESEC provides broad areas for me to learn and gain my knowledge for professional carrier.

  • Why did you decide to develop your leadership skill in AIESEC in BINUS?

I chose to improve my leadership skill with AIESEC because it is an organized structure, where every single aspect is looked, starting from how we should have a goal and achieve it to how everything that we do at AIESEC is actually giving impact for ourselves and others. I chose AIESEC in BINUS is the local chapter that AIESEC has in my university and it is run based on the guidelines from AIESEC Indonesia and AIESEC International.

  • Who is your role model that motivates you and keeps you innovating at AIESEC?

My role model is MCP 21.22 which is kak Upi, he inspires me to challenge myself and my team so that we could develop and most importantly, he taught me that as a leader, we should not do something just because most of people do it, instead we need to ask ourselves the relevancy of our activities and how does it actually create impact for others.

  • When did you realized that AIESEC truly helped yourself to grow?

On daily basis, when I’m actually not in the middle of AIESEC things. My AIESEC experience gives me mindset and help me to behave better, especially when it relates to other.

  • In your opinion, where this leadership experience will take your step further ?

The experience that I’ve got will help me to become a better person, to be more mindful on every single thing that I do and to be more aware on what we can do to develop people around us.

  • How you gain your motivation back when things get tough?

I always believe that regardless of how hard obstacles that I might face, I need to be mindful, because I have the responsibility to take care of people in my LC and the LC itself. I need to ensure that the members would actually satisfied with their development, by the end of their term. Therefore, it gives me strength to maximize everything that I do in AIESEC.

Muhammad Alif Sofyansyah Putra