A Recipe: Striving For Excellence

A Recipe: Striving for Excellence

Have you ever won or gained numerous achievements? Perhaps, to several people, winning has become their middle name. Nevertheless, have you ever wondered what is more significant beyond winning and to excel? Let me tell you the recipe by adding the word “striving” into the variable. Now, we have “striving for excellence.” A sentence so simple yet hold deep context. 

Others may have different versions of the concept. However, personally, striving for excellence is keep on attempting to deliver the most sophisticated performance in all work that we do. We should also note down that doing so would mean that we need to commit to the task wholeheartedly. Another point to keep in mind is that to strive for excellence continuously, we need to set our personal standard as the benchmark for the upcoming works that we may encounter later. This is done to encourage and motivate ourselves for self-improvements. 

Now, let us discuss how the term “striving for excellence” correlates to creativity as well as innovation. Thinking about it, by developing innovations, we can say that, unconsciously, we may be trying to attain improvements in the form of an improved mindset of something, for instance. Through this, we can see that innovation enhances the implementation of our action to strive for excellence. Next, with creativity, we may try to refine ideas, or out-of-the-box ways that will contribute to how striving for excellence is carried out.

That is my version of striving for excellence. What is yours?