OK Boomer

OK Boomer

Is it necessary?

Chances are most of you’ve heard of the word “OK Boomer” right. It’s a catchphrase and meme that gained popularity back in the month of November 2019, it was popularized as a reaction video to an unidentified older man, in which he declared that millennials and Generation Z have the Peter Pan syndrome: “They don’t ever want to grow up”. As a response the phrase “OK Boomer” is used in retaliation, it has blown up ever since and is commonly used to mock attitudes stereotypically attributed to the baby boomer generation. Although the use of the phrase might seem like a joke,  it shows the generational gap that exists within our society.

Older generation often grows up in a harsh living condition which leads to “boomer” habits and attitudes in daily life. Whilst most of the younger generation live in a fortunate living condition where suffering day to day is most unlikely to happen. Besides, the social environment differences once and now had huge differences and development. Where stuff that once considered as “taboo” is seen common now. This condition leads the younger generation to be more open-minded as they grow up seeing and processing differences in daily life. The current well-being society also directs the younger generation to see life in a different way from the older generation. This can be seen whereas older generations do things more carefully with their knowledge and experience while avoiding known risks, where younger generations tend to be reckless and spontaneous while setting their fear aside.

The word “OK boomer” still shows the snobbery and disrespectful attitude from the younger generation as they can hardly believe the older generations words and just brush it off as it often breaks the fun. Even though the word “OK boomer” is acceptable among younger generations, it is rather rude to say it infront of the older generation as there is a big chance they don’t understand the meaning of the words which leads them to look confused and triggers the mockery from the younger generation.

If we continue our disrespectful attitude towards older generations it will only increase the gap between us.  As the younger generation often assumes that the older generation don’t understand nor relate to what we feel and wish, we often take their advice as nonsense where this action is totally wrong. It’s okay to process the advice and align it with your ways while still thinking objectively and subjectively according to the common norms, after all they are older and more experienced  than us. If you really feel fed up with their advice and critics, you should at least try to respect them by saying “Okay” and politely knotting, that way they will feel appreciated and respect us more.

Writers: David Samuel Setiawan, Selly