8 Ways to Cultivate your Feminine Energy

International Women’s Day: 8 Ways to Cultivate Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. Your masculine side gets expressed when you are working towards a goal, making progress, getting things done and pushing forward. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play and attune to your internal process.

For people of all sexes, both feminine and masculine energy are necessary to be embodied in themselves. Men are usually identified more with masculine energy, but there is a great joy in being able to let go and be flexible. Likewise, many women are still raised with expectations to be feminine, but there are many benefits to be clear, directive and progressive. It is important for us to balance out our masculine and feminine energies.

Throughout the past centuries, womanhood has become associated with weakness, sacrifice, powerlessness, co-dependency, over-sensitivity and over-emotionality. We now live in a society where feminine energy is not glorified, but rather suppressed, which demands more masculine energy in us to operate, belong and be accepted. In other words, it’s a man’s world.

The masculine energy in women translates to qualities like drive, independence, competitiveness and confidence, which are required to succeed in today’s world. These are not bad traits and there is no denying that we need them. Indeed, they may have allowed women to become CEOs and leaders, but they have also led to us losing touch with our real power–our real magic. Because we have prioritized masculine over feminine energy, the key to this puzzle is balance; it is achieving harmony between these two types of energies.

Let’s express gratitude for having been born as females, to explore the power of your feminine energy and discover how you can positively impact the whole universe by being in tune with your feminine energy.

On the 8th of March, we celebrate International Women’s Day. These are the 8 ways you can cultivate your feminine energy:

1. Reflect and Reconnect

Many of us are so busy that we rarely take time to listen to what is going on inside of us. We lose touch with our deeper selves. It is important to internally connect to who you are. You can talk to yourself and write down your thoughts and feelings or go to a therapist, seek a professional help to explore your thoughts and feelings. By connecting back to yourself, you are diving into your deeper, internal, feminine side.

2. Be Open to Receiving

As women, we have the power to receive, amplify and give back. Give a woman love and she will return it tenfold. Give a woman hate and we all know what happens. Allow yourself to receive more. Do not be afraid to ask for favor and support when you need them, get yourself gifts, pamper yourself and make receiving a vital part of your experience.

3. Move Your Body and Take Care of It

Your body is a temple, it is the only way to bring new life into this world and should therefore be treated as such. Take care of your body. Indulge yourself in self-care. Do things that feel good physically. Such pleasures related to feminine energy are dancing, massages and yoga. The feminine flows and when you move your body, you access this energy. It will also allow you to access your emotions and express yourself fully.

4. Get Creative

Feminine energy is not about achieving and achieving; it’s about co-creating, which involves more flow, more fun, more music, more gentleness, more creativity and more collaboration to reach the same great results.

5. Have Females Only Time

This is a great way to restore your feminine energy. It is a mistake when a woman leaves her girl friends completely for a man. You can flow together with other females to align your thoughts, actions and feelings, which is empowering. It also gives you insight on how being feminine looks and feels like and you can pass on your unique wisdom to each other.

6. Go Into Nature

Places can be characterized as either masculine or feminine, depending on their overarching characteristics. The feminine is life force energy. Places like the forest, jungle, park and the ocean are abundant with natural feminine energy. Go there when you are feeling out of synchronization and in need of revitalization.

7. Be Present

The masculine side of you is drawn to the future; planning and using logic to get there. Be present to the emotions and sensations you are feeling right now. This is where the juice of life comes from. Meditate, eat mindfully or do something that brings you joy, like salsa dancing.

8. Volunteer

You can cultivate your feminine energy by volunteering because you are tapped into your inner feelings to help a cause in the world, which is also in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as education, gender equality and many more. Volunteer allows you to reflect and reconnect with yourself, both give and receive, get creative, explore new places and be in the present moment.

You can go volunteering abroad with AIESEC. For more info, contact us on Line: @dhh3485l or simply go to

Remember that, as a woman, your feminine energy is always there, even if you cannot feel it. It just needs to be reawakened. It is an energy that will make you intuitive, compassionate, creative, radiant, nurturing and–most importantly–unstoppable.


Writer: Ratu Annisa Gandasari