Global Village – A closure

On last February the 23rd, AIESEC in BINUS University held an event called Global Village in Anggrek Campus. Global Village is a finishing–if you will of the ongoing project at AIESEC, Global Village is present on the end of both winter and summer projects. This time around the Global Village held marks the ending of the winter project. Global Village is essentially a showcase of the project and of AIESEC itself. With Exchange Participants available on behalf of the ongoing projects Global Village lived up to its name being a festival of culture from all across the world. AIESEC projects usually involve participants from all across the globe and called Exchange Participants.

The event of Global Village this time takes the theme of “The art of living in diversity”, means nowadays we live in the world where tolerance are in a bad state. Living in diversity is–in a manner of speaking is art, because not everyone can understand art so we teach them by having Global Village themed diversity. The Global Village on last February 23rd is a collaboration effort with Universitas Prasetiya Mulia, in which their Global Village was road tour across three different campuses. The first campus they visited is SMK 13 on 21st of February then to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara on 22nd February and finally to BINUS University. The Exchange Participants of this Global Village is a mix of the Western and Asian countries. With Exchange Participants from China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Europe. We have a strong combination of global cultures on this “Global Village” event.

The rundown of the event itself differs from every campus, but in BINUS University specifically we started at 11 in the morning ended on 3 in the afternoon. Performance is held during the break between classes mainly on 11.00 – 11.20, 13.00 – 13.20 and 15.00 – 15.20 for the closing.  Performance is dominated by Exchange Participants from china where they sang a song in Chinese. All in all the Global Village created an atmosphere where people can interact with global cultures.

Jonathan Hosea