Education in Indonesia
Around 5,9 million of people in the age of 15 and above in Indonesia don’t go to school. This such a good number because Indonesia people has reach around 200million of people. But still, this data is not really accurate because there is more people who stopped go to school, did not pass school’s exam and other reasons. To prevent this problem, The Ministry of Education’s strategic plan for 2005-2009 has three main pillars which are increase access to education, improve education quality and better governance of the education sector. Not all of Indonesia people get education. Even though there is more and more each year educated people. In fact, people who lives in village isn’t educated well. However, in city for example Jakarta, there are abundance of schools. The expensive the school is; the more education we get. In fact, Indonesia still has to faced poverty. Education in Indonesia isn’t equal for every places. The more schools are build but, the less instructors are teaching them. Also, there are many teachers who aren’t qualified as a teacher.
According to BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), Indonesia people who go to school increases year by year. From 2007 until 2015 there is around 30 million increment of people who going to school from elementary to senior high school. And, from 2007-2015 there is around 7 million increment of people who go to university or college. However, there was a decreasing amount of people in the year of 2014 to 2015. But still, it really a relief to know that more people are get educated each year.