What Will You Do if You Have the Power to Change Indonesia?

What will you do if you have the power to change Indonesia?
When was the last time you let your voice being heard?

Youth Speak, initiated by AIESEC International, is a global youth movement that begins with Youth Insight Survey that contains the views of youth on Sustainable Development Goals. Youth Insight Survey will accommodate concerns related to youth 17 points on SDGs. This survey will be the basis for taking measures movements in the region, respectively. Youth Speak implemented from Youth Speak Survey, Youth Speak Insight to Speak Youth Forum.

AIESEC’s goal is to engage and develop every young person in the world – a milestone toward achieving its organizational mission that is Peace and Fulfillment of humankind’s potential. Youth Speak in Indonesia are now packed into a collaboration event of AIESEC in 10 major cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Medan, Makassar, Surabaya, Malang, Padang, Palembang, Purwokerto, Semarang, Lampung and Bandung. Every city held a roadshow in the form of Youth Speak Forum, an event that foster the collaboration between youth and decision maker. The events itself is revolved around the Youth Survey and Youth Speak Insight in each city, with Bandung as the highlight of the roadshow with Indonesia Youth Speak Summit 2016 as the peak of the roadshow.

Indonesian Youth Speak Summit 2016

Indonesia Youth Speak Summit 2016 (IYSS 2016) was held at Gedung Merdeka on April 30, 2016. The Head of Asian-African Conference Museum, Thomas A. Siregar, greeted the audience as the event started at 10AM. IYSS 2016 is divided into three sessions, namely Keynote, Sharing Ideas and Workshop. The big theme of the Keynote sessions was Mobilizing Indonesia Youth Toward SDGs, with different, unique sub themes for each keynote speakers:

1. SDGs for Indonesia by Martha Santoso Ismail, UNFPA Indonesia Assistant Representative

2. Youth awakening on SDGs by Nicholas Diaz, President of AIESEC Indonesia

3. Mobilizing youth together to shape Indonesia by Rizal Ramli, Maritime Coordinating Minister of the Republic of Indonesia

4. Creating change agents to shape high-performing youth by Setyo Riyanto, Excecutive Director MarkPlus Center for Public Services

5. Powering Indonesia’s potentials by Word Ardiansyah, Head of Offline Marketing Kudo Technology Indonesia, and

6. The characteristics an Indonesian should have nowadays in order to shape Indonesia by Sabilal Cristian P., Young Entrepreneur.

The second session, Sharing Ideas, was primarily focusing on inspirational talk. There were three speakers that delivered the session, namely Fenny M. Dwivany from UNESCO for Women in Science, L’Oreal Indonesia; Co-Founder of Banana Group, Sugihardjo the Founder of BTA, and Regi Wahyu the CEO of Mediatrac.

The speakers were telling stories about ideas and personal stuff as well, such as achievements in life and/or career they have experienced as a concrete example of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop, which was the third session of Indonesia Youth Speak Summit 2016, was packaged as an interactive session where speakers shared their background and experience with the participants of the summit.

The chosen topics was based on the background of the speaker to bring creative ideas from participants. The workshop session requires the summit participants to create a creative concept/idea how to support the achievement of SDGs – the issues were given by the speakers according to their background relevancy with SDGs.

The workshop was divided into four classes with 5 speakers. Each class had a different speaker one another: Yaumi Fauziah, the Head of Go-Life Marketing from Gojek, Karina Suhenda, the Marketing Communications Manager of Kudo Technology Indonesia, Valerie & Veronika Krasna, the Co-Founder of Lookats Project & Former Host Para Petualang Cantik (The Pretty Adventurers), and Alfi Hanif Noor, the Lead Organizer of TEDxBandung. Participants of IYSS 2016 came from various background – ranging from some communities such as Bandung Creative City Forum and Friends of the Asian-African Conference Museum, to chairman of the executive board associations and university students.

Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty. Fight inequality & injustice. Fix climate change. The Global Goals for sustainable development could get these things done. In all countries. For all people.


This is the commitment that we, the Indonesian youth, has created to shape Indonesia. We believe that how Indonesia looks like by 2030 depends on us, the Indonesian citizen. No matter what organization or community you are involved in, our goals is significant: we want to create a change.

So, are you on board with us?