ADB Annual Meeting with AIESEC Indonesia

ADB Annual Meeting

ADB Annual Meeting with AIESEC Indonesia is a meeting organized nationally from AIESEC Indonesia and ADB (Asian Development Bank) Indonesia Mission, that is previously connected by AIESEC Global coordinator of ADB Global.

Hosted by ADB Indonesia, a civil society group AIESEC Indonesia participated through a video conference in the Youth for Global Goals panel discussion, held on the sidelines of the ADB’s 49th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in Frankfurt. The group also had a discussion with Country Director Steven Tabor on areas for future collaboration.

ADB-UN-AIESEC International had an annual meeting in Frankfurt on May 3, 2016 to talk about Youth Advocacy, and specifically they presented the Global Youth Speak Report from the result of the survey responses.

This meeting’s purpose is to witness a Global Meeting from ADB-UN-AIESEC International then afterwards the participants discussed what they would do as an Indonesian and what further action step for youth advocacy.

Youth for Global Goals: Mobilizing Youth to Contribute to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Youth for Global Goals Campaign aims to raise awareness about the SDGs through a YouthSpeak Survey, which asks important questions about what young people care about and how they see the world changing over the next 15 years. The outcome of the survey will provide opportunities for young people to create volunteering and social impact projects that will support the SDGs. The session launched the Global Youth Speak 2015 Report, which was live streamed in selected ADB members throughout Asia and the Pacific. A panel of speakers discussed the 2016 plan to mobilize youth to support the SDGs. Source:

AIESEC Indonesia in ADB Annual Meeting