What is the Willow Project and Its Impact on the Environment?

Figure 1:  https://www.upstreamonline.com/exploration/us-provides-new-hope-for-conocophillips-project-in-alaska/2-1-1255833

Willow Project Oil Drilling is a controversial issue that has sparked debate regarding its potential impact on the environment and local communities. The proposed drilling project is located in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), which is also known for its sacred significance to native Alaska communities. The American Willow project is managed by one of the world’s largest oil companies, ConocoPhillips. ConocoPhillips plans to extract up to 590 million barrels of oil from the region over the next three decades, generating significant revenue for the local and national economies.

The Willow Project has been defined in different ways depending on stakeholders’ perspectives. Willow Project oil drilling is an initiative that offers significant economic potential to the United States. They argue that extracting oil from the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) will help create many job opportunities, increase rental income and royalties, and reduce the need for the United States to depend on oil imports from abroad. Proponents point to the potential for oil drilling in NPR-A, which is estimated to hold more than 10 billion barrels of oil and several other untapped locations. For supporters, an oil-drilling project is an important economic asset for the country, providing long-term revenue for the US Treasury.

Figure 2: https://blog.bangbeli.com/disaster-willow-project-officially-has/

On the other hand, opponents of the Willow Project oil drilling define it as a threat to the environment, cultural heritage, and economic well-being of local communities. Over 30 years, The Bureau of Land Management estimated that Willow could produce 576 million barrels of oil. With so much oil to be produced, burning oil in the Willow Project is expected to produce approximately 10 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere each year. Thus, if the project period is 30 years, carbon dioxide emissions will reach 300 million. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat from the sun, causing the temperature of the Earth to rise. The warmer Earth’s temperature will have an impact on the melting of ice at the north and south poles and increase the intensity of storms associated with rising sea temperatures. If the Willow Project continues, it will not only affect the United States but also the climate in various regions of the world and cause natural disasters on a large scale.

Owing to its impact on the environment, drilling in an area is particularly problematic because it disrupts the area’s ecological balance. The area where the Willow Project takes place is one of the most promising areas for oil mining, but it is also a prime habitat for a wide variety of living organisms. This area is a prime habitat for polar bears, caribou, migratory birds, aquatic animals, and other animals to live and breed. Global warming will stress these animals because of difficulties in finding food sources and adapting to environmental conditions that are no longer the same. If the climate continues to worsen, it is feared that the habitat for animals will disappear, threatening their sustainability.

Figure 4: https://blog.bangbeli.com/disaster-willow-project-officially-has/

Drilling projects would cause a significant loss of biodiversity, habitat degradation, wildlife disturbance, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the project poses a serious threat to the cultural heritage and sovereignty of Alaska Native communities, whose way of life and traditional livelihoods will result in the loss of sacred lands that give meaning to their culture. To refute opponents of the Willow Project, they also say that the company has implemented best practices to mitigate potential environmental impacts, including reducing the size of the drilling area, using advanced technologies to minimize emissions, and having a comprehensive spill response plan in place.

Academic researchers and policymakers have defined the Willow Project differently. Some see the project as an important test of environmental regulation and responsible business, while others criticize it as an example of the government’s expansive energy policy that puts commercial interests ahead of public welfare. However, in terms of its impact on the climate, the United States government should reconsider the licensing of the Willow Project, which is related to the interests of people around the world.

References :

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  • Kupfer, J. (2023, February 28). Alaska’s Willow Project is Part of America’s Energy Security Solution. Retrieved from dcjournal.com: https://dcjournal.com/alaskas-willow-project-is-part-of-americas-energy-security-solution/
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  • Puko, T. (2023, April 22). Why is the Willow Project Controversial? Retrieved from washingtonpost.com: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/03/17/willow-project-alaska-oil-drilling-explained/#7CJE5RCBNFFUVHXYOFP4D6Y5WY-1
  • Safdie, S. (2023, June 1). Why is the ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project Controversial in the US? Retrieved from greenly.earth: https://greenly.earth/en-gb/blog/ecology-news/why-is-the-conocophillips-willow-project-controversial-in-the-us
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Feby Agatha, Dima Yudhatama, Fanisa Nadrawita, Feline Setiawan, Risnisa Cinta Rahmadhanti