The Importance of Maintaining Nutritional Intake While Fasting

Approaching the month of Ramadan, of course, many people do fasting to increase their faith and it is hoped that it can provide benefits for goodness in themselves before Eid.  However, fasting has good benefits for health if it is carried out properly.  There are many benefits that can be obtained from fasting, such as decreasing blood sugar and cholesterol.  Indirectly in fasting we detoxify the body.  However, often people do not pay attention to nutritional intake during fasting so that they do not get the maximum benefits, even to the point of endangering their health.

Maintaining nutrition intake when fasting is very important to note. Currently, the body will only get food and drink at dawn and iftar. Then what should be considered to maintain nutritional intake while fasting? According to nutritionist Perdana Samekto, it is important to pay attention to protein intake and it is advisable to choose side dishes from the best food sources such as fresh meat, fish, and eggs.

In addition to protein intake, the intake that needs to be considered is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are one of the food sources that must be consumed at rest because they contain glucose, the main energy source for the body. Carbohydrates can be found in rice, bread, and pasta. Then some vegetables and beans contain fiber. Fiber will help keep it working properly and slow down the breakdown of food into glucose in the blood, so we will feel full longer.

When breaking the fast we should consume foods that contain sugar such as dates, syrup or other sweet foods.  It aims to increase glucose levels in the body after going through fasting which lowers glucose levels. When breaking the fast, it is better to avoid cold or ice food or drinks, because if you eat cold dishes you will feel full quickly.  It would be nice to consume foods and drinks that have good nutritional intake to meet the body’s daily nutrition.

Mineral intake while fasting must be considered. While fasting, it is expected to continue to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day which is recommended when breaking the fast, 2 glasses of water, 4 glasses of water after prayer until bedtime, 1 glass of water when you wake up for sahur, and 1-2 glasses of water after sahur and before Imsak.  It is recommended to drink mineral water but can consume beverages in the form of tea, juice or milk. To help maximize nutritional intake, it is recommended to consume enough vitamins and exercise to further strengthen the body’s stamina while fasting.

Therefore, maintaining nutrition while fasting is very important for smooth fasting and maximizing the benefits of fasting. If we don’t get enough of the nutrients we need while fasting, we will definitely be uncomfortable and not even strong enough to continue fasting. We can meet nutritional needs by consuming high protein foods for energy sources for muscles, carbohydrates as an energy source for the body and vegetables and fruits for vitamins. With adequate nutrition, we can fast comfortably and also nourish our bodies. 


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Ailsa Ivana, Lius Renaldi, Ayu Astuti, Ceanurisa Aziza Ciptadi