Will “New Normal” Work?

In recent months, COVID-19 has forced several countries to carry out quarantine of all its citizens. To prevent the spread as soon as possible, some countries such as Denmark, France, and Greece have imposed a lockdown since the beginning of March. Lockdown has made a major impact on the lives of countries in the world, especially in the economic and social fields.

Following the development of improved conditions, several countries began to ease lockdown and social distancing regulations at the end of May. One of them is South Korea, a country that has been considered the best in dealing with the spread of COVID-19.

Source: https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2020/05/06/With-COVID-19-cases-in-decline-South-Korea-opens-up-to-a-new-normal/4181588747240/

South Korea began to ease their social distancing regulations since May 6. Unfortunately, this easing only led to the second wave of COVID-19. This second wave emerged in Seoul, a metropolitan city with the largest population in South Korea. A new case began with a man who tested to be positive for COVID-19, known to visit a nightclub in Itaewon. Some nightclubs in Itaewon that he has visited have hundreds of visitors, this has pushed the government to be more vigilant. While the second cluster emerged from an e-commerce company called Coupang, in Bucheon. Since social distancing was announced, there has been a surge in orders at this company. This condition forces employees to enter as usual (“usual” before social distancing). A total of 3600 people from this company have been tested and 4100 visitors forced to do independent isolation.

 In addition to South Korea, several other countries have also begun easing to boost a receding economy. Seeing how this “New Normal” carries the second wave of COVID-19 in South Korea, raises questions in our minds. Should we continue lockdowns and strict social distancing or should we start to live with “New Normal”?


Sandford, Alasdair. (2020, May 13). Coronavirus lockdowns: How and when do European countries plan to ease restrictions?. Retrieved from https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/19/coronavirus-which-countries-are-under-lockdown-and-who-s-next
The Jakarta Post. (2020, May 28). South Korea reimposes some social restrictions to combat new virus cases. Retrieved from https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/05/28/south-korea-reimposes-some-social-restrictions-to-combat-new-virus-cases.html
Pratama, Arie. (2020, May 30). Gelombang Kedua Covid-19 Hantam Korsel, New Normal Gagal?. Retrieved from https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20200529210425-16-161961/gelombang-kedua-covid-19-hantam-korsel-new-normal-gagal

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