Mental Health Is It A Real Problem?

Is it a real problem or is it just an exaggeration on sadness?

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

One of the most famous philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, Aristotle said it best when he said that Humans are social animals, it means that humans cannot live without other human beings. Today we live in a modern world where everything runs and goes through technology, this trend has impacted our lives in so many different aspect for better or worse. Before the emergence of this tech based lifestyle people used to interact face to face but now it’s all through texting and social media thus resulting a decrease in the quality of interaction and conversation between people nowadays. The decrease in the quality and amount of face to face interaction between people is one of the main factors of Mental Health.

Mental Health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, and the ability to cope with the stresses of life, according to World Health Organization (WHO). Some of the factors that effects someone’s mental health are their economical condition, relationship, work, human interaction and many more. There are many kinds of mental health issues but the ones I want to talk about are Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Anxiety, and Self Harm. The reason for picking these specific types of mental health is because, personally I believe that these types of mental health are the ones that are very popular for young adults and teenagers to experienced.

Data from

From the data above we can see that in the year 2018, the amount of people in Indonesia above the age of 15 that have experienced depression reached 21,8% of and according to Indonesia is ranked as the 151st country in suicide rate at 3,4 per 100.000 person. Therefore in my opinion there is a correlation between types of mental health problem. Depression is a state in which the person experience a great deal of sadness, depression is most commonly experienced by young adults as they grow up they experienced a lot of hardship that may cause depression. When a person have experience depression for a certain amount of time he or she could come across the idea of Suicidal Thoughts that could also lead to Anxiety issues which is a state where the person couldn’t maintain a calm state of mind, and they could commit Self Harm in the attempt to channel that sadness.

Most people who suffers from mental health issue tends to not seek for help because they believe it is a sign of weakness but in reality it isn’t. The ones that does seek for help a lot of times are lost, in the context of they don’t know where to get help or who to talk to. The fact of the matter is that mental health is just as real of a problem as physical health, if the person’s mind is in a bad enough state that person physical condition will also suffer. Help can be found anywhere it could be as close as your friend or an adult that you trust, help is everywhere.

The reason why I made this article about mental health and helping raised its awareness is because i have come in contact with a lot of people who have experienced the struggle and pain of having a mental health issue and people who have lost someone because of mental health issue. I personally have experienced both myself, one of my best friend since elementary school have dealt with depression that lead to her having suicidal thoughts and committing self harm and that was the first time I realized that mental health is a real issue. A lot of people believed that money heals everything when it actually doesn’t, one of my idol Chester Bennington who was the lead singer in one of the most successful band of all time in Linkin Park committed suicide because of deep depression.

In conclusion, I believe that mental health is a real issue and not just an exaggeration on sadness and people should too. Now more than ever, mental health should be acknowledge as an important issue just as any other medical and health issue. We all must come together as human beings to help each other out in our time of needs.

Everyone is going through something that we can’t see — Kevin Love

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Benediktus Adhiwira