What is Music?

In this day of age, we listen to music on a daily basis, from listening on your ipod to music streaming services such as spotify, joox, etc. But really have you ever wandered what really is music? Is it the combination of sounds to create a harmonious tone? Is it the rhytem that keeps repeating in our heads?

Music is different things for different people: to Ian Skelly, author of the article ‘ Beauty Speaks, ‘ music above all has a transcendental sense that is caught in the beautiful patterns of nature and architecture – a type of ‘ frozen music; To Mark Kidel, author of ‘Conversations and Crossroads,’ music can connect cultures in a universal ‘conversation’ that is beyond intellect or reason but heartfelt; to Brian Eno, music brings the joy of unexpected and beautiful sound; and to singers/songwriters like myself and Howard Milner, music – and singing in particular – takes us into a world apart: a world beyond self and ego; a place of emotion that touches the soul.

Songs in particular have something fundamentally primal in them. In reality, the singer’ becomes’ the instrument, or vehicle of communication and expression. Singers can convey and express thoughts and feelings through the combination of expression, lyrical content and poetic form, harmony, rhythm, the complexity of combined tonal qualities and phrasing within the song, potentially elevating and transporting both the singer and the listener to another dimension. Music can really take us into a different dimension. Music often tells stories, breaks hearts, brings us to tears, or continuously seduces us into falling in love. Music is the language of universality. A human creation probably from a divine source.

Music is a mystery, that is a code. A Spirit and Soul Vehicle. It is heard by’ hearing’ sound feedback, the most exquisite resonance-from the eardrum to the brain. Music takes us to the heart-center beyond intellect.

I’m not an’ expert ‘ music. I am a fan of music…… An explorer and a discoverer. Music is just’ potentiality’ for me. I will communicate with him. I can just interact with it. Often it takes me by surprise, if I’m open to it, and I step out of myself. Music is a friend, a compañero, an instructor and a guide. A challenge, a scenery, a palette, a texture and a shape. Music is the arrangement of chords, harmonies or dissonances.

Music is culture of all origins; it is heritage, belonging. This is both history and innovation. Performance is a reminder and a forget. Music is beauty, revolt, genius, prodigy, perfection, virtuoso, creative, awe-inspiring, spell-binding, and exceptional.

But in the end it’s all up to us on what really is music, for me music is just something that I really enjoy listening to.

Author: Nagata Amaranggana