HIMTI SENAYAN 2024: “Himti Exam 4.0 Marathon”

From June 21-29, 2024, the HIMTI Exam 4.0 Marathon was held, offering comprehensive lesson reviews, tutor’s assistance, and lesson summaries for CS B26 and B27 students. The event covered a range of subjects including Computational Physics, Web Application Development and Security, Operating Systems for B26. Also, Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Data Structures for B27. The hybrid sessions took place at FX Sudirman and JWC campus of Binus University, and were also available via Zoom.

Web Application Development and Security

The Web Application Development and Security session is led by a dedicated senior tutor specializing in this field which is Alysha (B25) who is also a TA (Teaching Assistant) in our WADS class. This session covers key aspects of web development, including front-end and back-end technologies, architecture, database management, and essential security. The rundown includes an overview of web technologies and discussions on quiz and assignment before. Attending this session benefits students by enhancing their understanding of web development frameworks and security measures, preparing them to tackle web-related exam questions with confidence.

Computational Physics

In the Computational Physics session, participants delve into the application of computational techniques to solve physical problems. Guided by an experienced tutor which is Alvin (B25), students explore numerical methods, simulations, and techniques relevant to physics. The session’s rundown includes theoretical explanations, physics problems (integral and derivative), and analysis of computational models. By attending this session, students gain a solid grasp of computational tools and methods, enabling them to approach physics problems systematically and improve their exam performance in this subject.

Operating Systems

The Operating Systems session provides an in-depth review of the fundamental concepts and mechanisms of modern operating systems. Led by a knowledgeable senior, Philip (B25). This session covers topics such as process management, memory management, file systems, and algorithms used in Operating Systems. The rundown involves theoretical discussions, hands-on labs, and troubleshooting exercises from previous assignments in class. Attending this session helps students solidify their understanding of operating system concepts, making them more adept at solving related exam questions and practical problems.



The Calculus session focuses on reviewing key topics such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and series. Under the guidance of an expert tutor, Alya (B26). Students revisit fundamental calculus concepts, work through problem sets, and engage in interactive discussions. The session’s rundown includes step-by-step explanations, solving sample problems, and exploring hints given of calculus from lecturers. Students attending this session benefit by reinforcing their calculus knowledge, boosting their problem-solving skills, and gaining confidence to excel in their exams.

Data Structure

In the Data Structures session, students explore various data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. This session was led by a proficient senior tutor which is Joseph (B26). It includes theoretical explanations, implementation exercises, and discussions on the efficiency of different data structures. The rundown covers practical coding sessions and problem-solving techniques. By attending this session, students enhance their understanding of data structures, improve their coding skills, and become better equipped to handle related exam questions.


Linear Algebra

The Linear Algebra session is designed to review essential topics such as matrices, vectors, linear transformations, and eigenvalues. Guided by an experienced tutor, Jeffery (B26). Students were engaged in theoretical discussions, solve practice problems, and explore applications of linear algebra in various fields. The rundown includes step-by-step explanations, interactive problem-solving, and real-world examples. Attending this session helps students reinforce their understanding of linear algebra concepts, improve their analytical skills, and prepare effectively for their exams.

These events are held successfully with many students from each session. The primary objectives of these sessions are to facilitate students’ material review, build confidence, and increase their understanding of the subject matter. Hopefully with these sessions it encourages students to engage in activities and interactive discussions, promoting academic excellence and a better understanding on how to conquer the final exam effectively so they can finish the final exam successfully.