HIMHEAL: Our Post-Exam Trip!

HIMHEAL (HIMSI Healing) is an event organized by HIMSI’s HR division that was held from April 30th to May 2nd, 2024 at Villa Well 1, Bogor. This event was held to strengthen the bond between HIMSI members and to refresh them after completing midterm exams. The event was held with 32 participants from B26 and B27. On our first day, participants departed from the BINUS Anggrek campus at 12 o’clock. The trip took about two hours from Jakarta to Cisarua, Bogor. Halfway through, the bus needed to stop since the location of the villa was on a steep road that the bus could not pass through, so participants ordered a car from an online transportation app. 

After taking a break once we arrived at the villa, we started our activity on Day 1. Participants engaged in a variety of activities, such as swimming, playing billiards, watching movies, and swimming. Some people were also in the kitchen to cook dinner, The kitchen team worked together to cook bakso for our first day at the Villa. Our department head, Sir Irfan Rifai, also paid us a visit, We talked for a while and took pictures.

At night, everyone gathered and participated in TellHR, an activity where participants could write a letter anonymously to someone or share what they felt.

Activities on the next day included watching movies, karaoke, and swimming. We can’t do much outdoor activity since Bogor is raining frequently. There was a funny incident on the second day where our villa was visited by wild monkeys. One lucky monkey succeeded in stealing a participant’s food. We don’t know exactly why and how the monkeys managed to come to the villa, but it was a fascinating occurrence. 

Because we’re avoiding traffic and road closures, participants slept early and woke up at 3 AM to prepare to go back to Jakarta. Before leaving the villa, everyone took a picture wearing HIMSI vest. We departed from the villa at 6 AM and arrived at Binus Anggrek at 9 AM. Overall, HIMHEAL activity has been a wonderful experience to get to know each other, as it strengthens members’ bonds and is also a fun experience to relieve stress from the tiring cycle of lectures. 


Helena Putri