HIMSI’S Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Aktivis (LDK-A)
On 22nd of February, HIMSI successfully conducted our LDK-A (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Aktivitis). LDK-A is as the name states, an introduction to leadership training workshop for our newly admitted junior activists to further expose their knowledge of HIMSI’s from basics to detailed matters, and simultaneously beginning an establishment of bonds between activists. The DPI and Board of Management prepared extensive materials of the important aspects within HIMSI.
LDK-A began bright and early, the activities prepared ranged from firstly ice breaking as a means to alleviate possible nerves or tension, before we went onto the materials discussing the organizational structure of HIMSI, HIMSI’s divisions and what each do, as well as the planned work programs for the upcoming 2025/2026 timeline. Junior activists were given plenty of exercises.
Junior activists were split per their division to be given a case study related to their divisions, and prior to LDK-A they were divided into groups for what is called a Probation. Our new junior activists were tasked to work on selected work programs to be presented at LDK-A; Club Sandwich, NEC (National English Competition), HIMSTIVAL, Welcoming Party, and HIMSCON, both of which they did eagerly with the feedback from HIMSI’s DPI and Board of Management afterwards.
LDK-A is HIMSI’s newly appointed junior activists first exposure to a work program in our organization, held in order to slowly guide junior activists into the grasps of leadership and teamwork in student organizations, as well as get a deeper knowledge of HIMSI.