HIMSI is having yet another Leadership Training this year.  On Tuesday, 19th July 2022 HIMSI conducted The Leadership Training or Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Untuk Calon Pengurus (Or we call this event the HIMSI’s Creed) to train the new activists. This is the second stage of the training all the new activists go through. The first stage was the training event specifically for the new activists in order to ready them for the organization, which was held on 16th April of 2022. This second stage of training; Leadership Training, is different because its purpose is to prepare activists who will be selected as the new organizer of HIMSI in the 2023-2024 period. Not all activists will be chosen as the organizer for HIMSI. What makes this year’s Leadership Training different from the past two years is that this Leadership Training was conducted offline. Everyone had a chance to meet each other at Ruang KFC in the Kijang Campus of BINUS Kemanggisan. 

Since the event was held offline after many years of online meetings, it was a special occasion for everyone, starting from the organizers of the organization and even the members. While it was an offline event, there were still some participants of the event and the organizer who joined the event through Zoom because of some circumstances. But the number of participants who came to the offline Leadership Training was far greater than those who attended through Zoom. Although the event started quite later than the scheduled time, it still was a successful one through and through. Participants were seated in the front row of the seat and the organizers were seated at the back. While those who attended the meeting through Zoom could still participate with ease from home.  The event started at 9:30 a.m. with a welcoming speech by Belsa as the event coordinator. She opened with a warm welcome and thanked us participants for joining the event. The next speech was given by Aileen as HIMSI’s secretary and then continued with a speech given by HIMSI’s current 2022-2023 president, Handiko Wijaya.  After the welcoming speech, there was an ice-breaking session where all of us played an app game called Stumble Guys. The ice-breaking session ended with Ray as the winner. All of the participants and organizers had a fun time playing the game.

The event then proceeded with a presentation by Handiko Wijaya explaining the 3 presidential candidates for HIMSI’s 2023-2024 period and how the BoM in HIMSI works. The presentation also included the programs for the remaining 2022-2023 period. After the presentation, there was a special speaker from HMPSSI of Universitas Udayana Bali, Made Arya Duta Gunaksara (HMPSSI’s current president) who presented about Leadership and what there is to know about being a Leader. Arya presented the definition of a Leader and how there are many types of leaders and many types of work types in an organization. After the special presentation by Arya, the event continued with a break session for about 10 minutes. Those who were in Zoom can relax and those who were at Ruang KFC had a chance to converse with each other and some even went out to get some fresh air.

The event resumed with a problem-solving session. Everyone in Zoom was online again, and the offline participants went back to their seats. The session was done by giving the participants one question each, to solve them with their opinions, and then presenting their answers in front of the organizers and other participants. There were 3 questions, and Aileen chose which participant was to solve which question. Some got to solve question number 1, some solved question number 2, and some solved question number 3. Those who were in Zoom also had a chance to participate in the problem-solving session. Then the participants were given 15 minutes time to solve their questions in a paper and to prepare themselves to present them in front of everyone. After 15 minutes, everyone was done answering their given questions, and then the event proceeded with a presentation of answers from every participant. Everyone had good and thorough solutions regarding their respective question. The organizers applauded the participant’s enthusiasm and were happy with everyone’s solutions/answers.

The event concluded with warm gratitude from the organizers and Handiko Wjiaya as HIMSI’s current 2022-2023 president. Then the documentation was done with all organizers, participants, and the special guest, Made Arya. Although the event started quite late, it still counts as a successful event where everyone had a fun, but serious time. Many topics delivered were also important for the next HIMSI period. With that, the event came to an end. Let’s hope next year, The Leadership Training will be held offline again, but with every participant joining.

Please visit this page to take a peek at the event’s documentation!

Hussaina Yasmine