HIMSI’s 2022/2023 Presidential Election

Please go here for all the pictures during the election!

Presidential election is a process where an organization(s) searches for a new leader or president to lead the organization for a fixed period of time. A new leader will take place as well with his or her board of management. The purpose of a presidential election is to end the current president’s duty, and by that the organization is ready to take a new step under the leadership of their elected president. On the 30th September 2021, HIMSI started the 2022/2023 presidential election. The event went on for three days and ended on the 2nd October 2021.

For this year, three candidates dared themselves to step forth as a candidate for the presidential election. The first candidate was Handiko Wijaya, who belongs to the Human Resource Division. The second candidate was Radikha Freya Anjani, who belongs to the Public Relation Division. The third and final candidate was Jie Adi Julius, who belongs to the Human Resource Division. The three candidates fought with their fear and nervousness well throughout their campaign period. Though HIMSI had three candidates that are willing to lead it, one must emerge victorious and will be declared as the president of HIMSI 2022/2023.

During his presentation, Handiko said that he envisioned HIMSI to be able to represent the choices and actions from the students. On the other hand, Freya has a vision to make HIMSI more care towards its member mental health, as she aimed to fix many issues inside the organization first. Last but not least is Julius, his vision is to make HIMSI more open to the passive members of HIMSI (the English students who are not part of HIMSI). It can be seen that the three of them have similar vision and missions. One of the participants realized this and asked Freya, she answered that it is because they worked together closely and saw the same problem within HIMSI. Although their presentations were identical between each other, they also shared their own vision of a better HIMSI in the future.

After presenting their vision and missions, each candidate told their proker (program kerja) for the next period. Inspired by Tell HR, both Julius and Freya made activities based on the core of Tell HR. They wanted HIMSI’s activities to do a monthly check up on their condition, so HIMSI doesn’t feel like an obligation. Handiko on the other hand focused on a new activity. He said that he wants ELF: NEC 2022 to be bigger and more universal, by conducting events other than competitions.

After their presentations, Adhitya Fajar Ramadhan, the MC of HIMSI’s Election, opened the question and answer session. Surprisingly, many people asked interesting and challenging questions for each candidate. HIMSI’s Presidents from the period of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 were attending the election too. They are Dinda Mahar and Sherdy ‘Igna’ Tanzarez. Not only HIMSI’s previous presidents who were coming to the election, but also the department’s lecturers too; Mr. Irfan Rifai and Ms. Criscentia Jessica Setiadi.

Out of the three candidates that participated in the presidential election, the winner and the president of HIMSI for the period of 2022/2023 is Handiko Wijaya. He won just one vote away from Freya and 33 votes away from Julius. Although Freya and Julius didn’t make it as the president of HIMSI, their struggle throughout the campaign period will be an unforgettable experience for their future.

Editor: Handiko Wijaya & Nadia Salsabila

Pieter Bagaskara Astadiningrat & Handiko Wijaya