Freshman Leaders from the English Department for FYP B2025

We are getting to the end of the semester right now, and that means summer break. But for some people, it also means a school orientation and a bunch of freshmen to handle. FYP itself is an abbreviation for First Year Program in Bina Nusantara University, and FL (Freshman Leaders) are the sophomore or juniors who are helping the freshmen during the first phase of FYP (Orientation and Transition Program). The English Department this year has 9 FLs, and 2 of them are also from HIMSI.

On July 14, 2021, the Freshmen Leaders had an internal meeting with the English Department. The Head of Department Irfan Rifai is the one representing the department. The meeting started at 8:15 AM on Zoom with a greeting from Sir Irfan. All the Freshmen Leaders look sleepy due to how early the event was. Soon the participants were informed about the lecturers in the English Department (their role, status, and many more!). This activity is important because the FL are needed and expected to inform the incoming freshmen. If all the FL are clueless, then what’s the point in having them around? And that’s it, a 30 minutes meet and greet of the FL and the Head of the English Department. 

To make this news more interesting, I interviewed a HIMSI member from the Student Development Division, who’s also a Freshman Leader. I’m introducing Reinhardt Liberace.

Handiko    : Why did you join the Freshmen Leader program, Reinhardt?

Reinhardt : Well Handiko, I have several reasons [on] why I joined the Freshmen Leader program. First of all, I wanted to join the program because I want to meet the freshmen who will join Binus University, furthermore I’m also looking for experiences on becoming the Freshmen Leader itself. Becoming a Freshmen Leader itself is very new for me and I wanted to know how to be one and how to encounter obstacles that will come to me as a Freshmen Leader. And lastly, to close and answer the question I wanted to join the Freshmen Leader Program because I wanted to make connections with the other Freshmen Leader and also the freshmen itself.

Handiko       : Please share your expectations for this year FYP!

Reinhardt     : My expectations for this year FYP are very simple, I’m just hoping that everything goes well for the freshmen, Freshmen Leader, FYP Leader, and lecturers. I’m also hoping that this year FYP would be fun, exciting and thrilling for all of us, because a simple FYP would not do the trick to get the freshmen’s attention. Lastly, I hope I can be the one that the freshmen look for when they are having difficulty adapting to a new environment.

Handiko      : FYP 2025 is going to be conducted online again. Do you actually prefer to do it offline or online? Why?

Reinhardt     : Good question Handiko, actually I prefer both. Because doing both will give us more efficiency in conducting the FYP. But alas, even if we wanted to do it offline, first we need to hope that the lockdown is over and then we can actually conduct the FYP offline.

Handiko       : What is your plan to be a good freshmen leader?

Reinhardt     : Hmmm, my plans are quite simple Handiko. I just need to have a decent and tidy appearance, communication skills, decent leadership, responsibility and lastly a friendly and kind person. Although it is a simple plan, I think it is very important because I will greet and welcome the new Freshmen.

Handiko       : Before we finish the interview, do you have anything to say to our upcoming freshmen?

Reinhardt     : Of course Handiko, all I wanted to say to the incoming freshmen is that I’m looking forward to be your friendly neighborhood Freshmen Leader. And please don’t hesitate to have fun and ask for some assistance with me while undertaking your FYP.

And folks, that’s the first update HIMSI can give for the FYP B2025. It already sounds exciting isn’t it? For the full names of our FLs, you can click here!

Editor: Clara Nathania & Nadia Salsabila

Handiko Wijaya