Effects of Reading Literature in Learning the English Language
Reading has long been used as one of the essential parts of language learning. This activity is directly connected to the other three essential skills in a language, which are: speaking, writing, and listening, with the fourth being reading. In the early ages, the reading skill plays a role on young learners to first, aside from speaking, be taught their first language using pictures and words, in order to have them familiarize with the word and the context behind it. We can see it in their textbooks or picture books containing stories or even straight-out instructions on reading.
One of the various sources of reading materials in English learning is literature. According to a study by Amer, literature has been used as reading material in both English as a first language learning and second language learning. Even in primary to senior high school, various reading materials such as short stories, novels, poems, dramas, etc. There are various effects that reading literature will bring in English learning, which are listed below:
- Reading literature will help to learn more vocabularies
The most mentioned benefit of reading literature is that it can expand learners’ vocabulary development because literature provides a rich source of vocabulary. It is shown in a study by Wang & Guthrie that there was an increase in vocabulary gain and reading comprehension. Vocabulary isn’t learnt by a single exposure to it, but instead multiple ones. Another way of saying it, is that the more you read, the more encounters you will have with those vocabularies and phrases in various contexts.
- Reading literature will improve writing skills.
Learners who read in general will have more encounters with various languages. Those encounters will strengthen their writing proficiency by knowing more writing techniques & vocabularies to apply it in their own writing.
- Reading also improves overall language competency
In addition to improving reading and writing competency, other language skills such as listening and speaking have also been shown to have improved. All four language skills are deeply connected with each other and will need the others to improve. A study by Cho & Krashen reported that by reading extensively, both listening and speaking abilities have increased competently.
- Reading motivates them to learn more
Enjoying a certain activity always helps motivate a person to do it more. In the case of reading literature, the more interesting the works are for the learner, the more eager they want to learn. This can also help boost learners’ confidence and self-esteem as language learners as shown in an article by Donaghy.
In conclusion, there are various positive effects on applying reading literature in language learning, especially English literature on English as a second/ foreign language learning. These effects have been shown by various articles and studies to include improvement of all four language skills, vocabulary repertoires, and motivations in wanting to learn more by reading.
Editor: Handiko Wijaya & Clara Nathania