The Chronicles of Club Sandwich: The Journalism, the Movie and the Drama

Have you ever heard of the fantastic Club Sandwich? No, it’s not a food, and honestly, it’s just a made-up name from the SDD. On the 18th of June, 2021, the Student Development Division, or what they usually know as SDD, conducted a club gathering for HIMSI’s Clubs. If you have zero idea about what I’m talking about, let me remind (or rather, introduce) you to all the clubs under HIMSI. First is Journalism Club, they are the ones who produce a bimonthly magazine titled GLIDES. The club is currently being led by a third-year student named Dariakhansa Rakyandhia Maldini Hill (or call her Kya). The second is Movie Club, organized by either Yeheskiel Alexander or Achmad Bama Fakhri Sahabuddin (both are third-year students too). And last but not least, is the Drama Club! They don’t make real-life dramas like many celebrities. Instead, they make drama performances before the pandemic hits us. The Drama Club is led by Jose Armando (second-year student). Now, after learning all those clubs, why don’t we get to the real business! The Sandw—I mean, the Club Gathering.

The event started at 5 p.m. in Google Meet. Ryo (usually introduced himself as Ryo with a Y), the Coordinator of SDD, introduced himself as the MC of the event. Proceeded by Clara Nathania, the vice president of HIMSI, who gave her opening speech because Pieter (the president of HIMSI) could not attend the event. A lecturer named Criscentia Jessica Setiadi (the students usually call her Ms. Jess) also joined the gathering. After all the introduction and speech, the event was followed up by a presentation by the Journalism Club! Kya presented about the members, background, and magazine that the club makes, GLIDES, a bimonthly magazine covering pop culture, news, and updates from the English Department. She ended the presentation with a video that explains the process behind GLIDES (starring Ahmad Fikri Adzhani, Kya, Yasmin Anggraini Teguh, and me, Handiko Wijaya). After that short video, the president of the Journalism Club announced that they are looking for a new member to join their ranks. The slot is open for the English student, except for the third-year students.

After Kya’s presentation, Ryo gave a brief speech about all the clubs’ past. Especially the Movie and Drama club that was pretty inactive. The event moved up to a Kahoot game by the Movie Club. The Kahoot questions were all about movies (obviously). Many emojis that resemble movie titles were put as the questions by the Movie Club, and the participants needed to guess the correct answer. The club wasn’t only presenting a Kahoot game, but they also gave the whole department a presentation about what they were usually doing before the pandemic and many movie recommendations from them.

The last performance was done by the Drama Club (and I think they were the funniest club during the event!) They did a live drama performance in Google Meet. Endrico Witomo, Jose Armando, and Fauzan Alif Jayadibrata were the cast for the live-action performance. Not only did they do a live performance, but they made two other videos! The first one was a mystery drama. It was funny (based in my opinion) because it was created like a meme. You know those videos with moving pictures (moved in Photoshop or any other photo editing applications; left or right). They were using hilarious soundtracks too, and my favorite is Plants VS Zombies’ soundtrack. The last video is shorter compared to the previous one. It was a comparison video between the members of the Journalism Club against the Drama Club. It was so funny if you guys can see it, but sadly right now, you need to believe in my words.

It was already 6.20 p.m., and the event came to an end. Some participants left the meeting before it reached the end anyway. Last but not least, Ryo told Kya to share the recruitment link for the Journalism Club again, and many members from each club invite many other students to join theirs.

Don’t worry if you missed this event. There would be many more club gatherings later in the following semester. So, make sure you guys follow HIMSI’s Instagram account (@himsi.binus), to make sure there won’t be any important information missed by you guys!

Editor: Nadia Salsabila & Clara Nathania

Handiko Wijaya