Why Do People Prefer to Shop Online?

Electronic commerce or online shopping has become one of the essential characteristics in today’s society. According to UCLA Center for Communication Policy (2001), online shopping has become the third most popular Internet activity, immediately following e-mail using/instant messaging and web browsing. It is even more popular than seeking out entertainment information and news, two commonly thought of activities when considering what Internet users do when online. Of Internet users, 48.9 percent made online purchases in 2001, with three-quarters of purchasers indicating that they make 1-10 purchases per year (2001, p.38). When segmented into very versus less experienced Internet users, the very experienced users average 20 online purchases per year, as compared to four annual purchases for new users (2001, p.38). There must be a reason why people prefer to shop online rather than the traditional way and this is the reason.

First it si Convenience. Online shop offers consumers the option to go shopping 24/7, even in their  pajamas. Even the busiest person can shop from their smartphone because it is available all the time. Online shopping allows a person to shop without having to deal with parking and having to take a small child store to store. It’s also a huge benefit for people who are elderly or disabled. They do not have to worry about transportation and getting around a crowded mall.

Second reason is the crowds. If you are like me, you would like to avoid the crowds when you do the shopping. Crowds force us to do a hurried shopping most of the time, also necause of the crowds we need a long time queuing in the cashier.  Crowds also create a problem when it comes to finding a parking place nearby where you want to shop and going back to your vehicle later loaded with shopping bags.

Third reason is the price. I get cheap deals and better prices from online stores because products come to us directly from the manufacturer or seller without middlemen involved. We can also easily compare the price from one seller to another. Costumer can find the cheapest one and read the review to see if the seller is trustworthy or not to buy the product. Plus many online shops offer many discount coupons and rebates.

In the end Online shopping has become extremely popular over the last decade. Utilized mostly by everyone, this service is extremely convenient. Although online shopping can be very convenient and beneficial there are also some potential problems that can arise like addiction. The convenience of online shopping that can be seen as very beneficial, can also lead to an unhealthy addictive pattern of behavior. If the person does not seek help, this unhealthy pattern, can result in an online shopping addiction, causing us spending more money rather than saving money by buying things online.


