Apples VS Oranges

By : Michelle Kurniawan

Who likes apples? Who likes oranges? Who likes both? As a matter of fact, both of them are highly nutritious fruits that manage your healthy life. “One apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Said human, but there aren’t any famous quotes from oranges. However, if we take steps a little more further, we can investigate what is the nutritional fact behind those fruits. That’s why food technologist are needed, to see what common people can’t see.

According to the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference from the USDA, there was a research where 1 medium apple was compared with 1 medium orange. Orange and apple are good sources of fiber but apple definitely have the “a-peel” that can attract people to consume it. In addition, apples contain some bone-building like vitamin K about 4% rather than oranges that don’t have any of it. Apples provide more manganese that help regulate human’s blood sugar. Also, apples have higher levels of quercetin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant, about 7.3 mg compare to oranges, 0.3 mg.

In contrast, orange has less calories than apple, 69 calories in one orange and 95 calories in one apple. Orange also have less natural sugar. The sunny orange really shines with almost 8x more immunity-boosting vitamin C or 110%, where apple only has 14%. It also has a touch of more vitamin B-6 and more eye-and-brain boosting folate. Orange contains more calcium, about 6% than apple, only 1%. At last, orange have higher levels of magnesium.

Based on that nutrition facts, it can be concluded that oranges are more nutritious than apples. However, both of them still consider as good consumable fruits for a daily snack time or breakfast. They keep your body loses weight and still healthy. The most precious time when you eat fruits is in the morning before any other food comes in. Empty stomach is the reason because then the body can absorb their vitamins and minerals directly. Don’t ever buy apples and oranges that contain pesticide residue, organic fruits are the best.

Michelle Aurelia Kurniawan