What is FOMO?

Do you ever feel anxious if you miss a piece of information or trend and anxious if you feel excluded just because you see a friend or close person or anyone having fun? If you are feeling this, you may be experiencing FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out. What is FOMO? Simply put FOMO can be defined as the onset of constant anxiety that arises when seeing or knowing someone else is having a pleasant thing, and we are not there or involved in it. Feelings of restlessness or anxiety can also arise from fear of missing the most up-to-date trends or information. When a person experiences FOMO, he or she feels socially isolated, isolated, and anxious for fear of being left behind. Usually, people who experience FOMO are willing to spend their time just so as not to miss out on information and feel ‘considered or joined’ by the people one of them is by constantly surfing social media.

There are several characteristics of people who are experiencing FOMO, among others:

  • Tend to check social media feeds often
  • Do not want to feel left behind by what is happening
  • Constantly see notifications from social media
  • More concerned with social media than real life
  • Easy to be curious about other people’s lives