Culinary business strategy to survive during the pandemic

It has been about two years since the Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia. Almost all business and industrial sectors were affected, one of the sectors most affected was the culinary business. Online and Offline marketing efforts have been carried out by business actors to increase sales.

Below are ways to keep culinary businesses survive during a pandemic:

First, don’t just sell offline, do sales online too, so that when our place of business is forced to close due to government policies related to the pandemic, we can still sell online. Join E-commerce that can facilitate your online sales to make it easier to make sales transactions.

Second, always maintain the consistency of the taste of our dishes. The taste that is always the same since the first time customers order our dishes is the key to keeping our dishes in demand.

Third, always be polite and friendly to customers both online and offline. Providing the best service to customers will make customers don’t hesitate to come back to our restaurant.