BIMARC Welcoming Party for Binusian 2024
Thank you all for attending the BIMARC Welcoming Party and we are all so exhilarated to work with all you for future upcoming events.
Here is the sneak peak of what the Welcoming Party was all about!
On the 19th of September, BIMARC had officially welcomed the new freshmen from batch 2024 through an virtual event in ZOOM called BIMARC Welcoming Party. They all seemed to enjoy and engage in the activities that were provided. Core committees were all introduced to the freshmen in order to distinguish which division everyone was in. The purpose of this event is to unite everyone together and get to know each other better for upcoming future events that will be conducted by everyone within the BIMARC members. Being able to communicate well amongst peers is essential for business, therefore this party was a great way to start it all. The party started off with an Ice-Breaking game called the “word puzzle” where they have to find the words that are BIMARC related. To ensure the freshmen’s understanding towards BIMARC, a presentation was conducted by the president of BIMARC, Shabrina, that thoroughly explains about the vision-mission of BIMARC, activities, divisions and how to become an active BIMARC member. Afterwards, freshmen were tested about the presentation through a quiz called VEVOX with a prize as a reward. We decided to split the freshmen into 2 groups to be able do our next activity which was Google Feud and Quest. After the two games, we divided them into five breakout rooms and played another two extra games called Gartic and Charades. We believe that these games really brought both the freshmen and the core committees together. Lastly, before we closed the party, we announced the winner for the quiz and treasure hunt, and announced about an upcoming event called DIGIMARK as well as taking virtual selfies together!

For those that missed this event, stay tuned for more! 🙂
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