Ezra Aldyan
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Information technology in the current era has been growing rapidly and importantly owned by companies. This is related to a technology called cloud computing. Cloud computing began to be adapted by leading IT companies in Indonesia such as Metrodata, BizNet, and Telkom Sigma. This technology allows users to access data at any time without having to use data storage like harddisk or flashdisk. Did you know that with cloud computing we do not need to install applications on PCs, mobile phones, and laptops to process store data because the application is already provided on the server service providers. Cloud computing is very easy in data automation and processing.
To determine the appropriate cloud computing applied in government agencies is certainly not easy. Government agencies need to do an analysis first so that the budget to be used in activities in the current year does not exceed the budget that has been determined. Therefore, government agencies need to analyze the performance, economy, control, efficiency, and service or also often called pieces analysis. Analysis of pieces on cloud computing is divided into 6. First Performance System Analysis (Performance) is a system capability in completing tasks quickly so that the target can be achieved immediately. Both Information Analysis (Information) is an important thing because with the information the management (marketing) and the user can do the next step. Third Economic Analysis (Economy) is the utilization of cost used from the utilization of information. An increase in economic needs affects cost control and increased benefits. Fourth Control Analysis (Control) is This analysis is used to compare the system analyzed based on the aspects of timeliness, ease of access, and the accuracy of processed data. Fifth Efficiency Analysis (Efficiency) is Efficiency related to how the source can be used optimally. Operations in a company are said to be efficient or not usually based on the task and responsibility in carrying out the activities. And the last Analysis of Service (Service) is Improvement of service shows a diverse category. The selected project is a better service improvement for management (marketing), user and other parts which is a symbol of the quality of an information system.
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