Worldwide Graphic Designers

Cultural Heritage

Written by:

Marina Suhandinata

@america, pacific place by WGD

25 april 2018, 07.30 – 08.15 pm

On April 25th 2018, Worldwide Graphic Designers held an International Digital Poster Exhibition at @america, Pacific Place. This year’s theme is “Cultural Heritage, To Understand The Past and Create a Better Future”.  In total of 69 posters, created by 106 graphic designers from 29 countries participated in the event. There are a few segments of the event, one being a joint video conference with world renowned designers and a talk show with national designers.

Worldwide Graphic Designers (WGD) is a group of graphic designers that organize projects to create a poster design with social content. The participants are all established designers from around the world, they are all invited to create collaboration posters, aiming to spread awareness, sensitization and social reflection. WGD group was founded in July 2016 by Irwan Harnoko and Lila Skanavi. The main purpose of this group is to organize a project to create collaborative posters which would bring graphic designers from different countries to work together.

The first segment of the event is the live video conference with featured designers which are Martin Mendelsberg, an affiliate professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver from United States and Maria Papaefstathiou, a graphic designer from Greece. Both of the designers talk about their projects, their inspiration, and the message they are trying to give with the poster. They also talked about their collaborative works with other designers from different countries.

After the video conference, there is a talk show with local designers and professionals from many universities which are:

Eston KM from Pelita Harapan University

Julianto Oei from Binus University

V Michel Sutedja from STDI

Agung Zainal Muttakin R from Unindra

David Joachim from YAI

Moderated by Edo Tirtadarma from Tarumanagara University

The creations for the event brings people from different parts of the world with different cultures, languages, and backgrounds, together to create something inspiring without any physical contact with the help of technology. This is the perfect event for many designers, students, and teachers to talk about something they are passionate about which is design and the purpose of it.


Narasumber : Marina Suhandinata

Penulis : Marina Suhandinata

Editor : Erza Fahira Annisa