I Am Perfect The Way I Am

By Pamela • March 3, 2016

            To be empowered, I am willing to see that I can evolve and change the aspects of myself that I am not happy about. Change is always good. Aspiring to be more than I am in life is worthy goal. Each day I seek to be a better person that I was the day before. However, in my efforts to change and grow, I re-mind myself today and every day, that I am perfect the way I am. Today, I re-mind myself, I am Awesome, and I seek to spread the message, that we are all awesome with everyone who I meet this day. The state of being Awesome is infectious in the most powerful and empowering way. My intent for this day is set. I am Awesome. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Pamela (2016, March 3). I Am Perfect the Way I Am. Retrieved March 05, 2016, from http://www.sunnyskyz.com/feel-good-story/2213/I-Am-Perfect-the-Way-I- Am#G4UTBGP4qKg2Yt6x.99