Significant questions regarding visitors to the Church today; Why accept Jesus? The primary problem is whether or not Christians are suffering from an identity crisis. Have you ever questioned the identity of Christianity on your own? Or just spinning around thinking, “Why did He allow me to go through this trial?” or, “My life might be better if I didn’t believe in Christ.” And calculate, “What’s in it to be a follower of Christ?” this could be a serious question for you, “Why should I follow Jesus?”

When you address this question with firmness: That Jesus is the good shepherd who gave his life for his sheep (John 10:11). This may be that, by being his adherents, you’ll be assumed to be abducted by devils and crazy. Exactly as Christ first did so (verse 20). Jesus also talked to a large crowd. There were the Pharisees and the apostles, too, were adamant about following the teachings of Jesus.

“A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, and a hired hand doesn’t care about his sheep.” Jesus talked about his actions four times in these passages (John 10:11, 15, 17, 18). He reiterated the first two that He had offered His life for His flock. He underlined the last two occasions that He was responsible for getting things down.