Photo Competition III: CIA Travels through Photos

On August 3rd to August 17th, CIA plans to hold another monthly competition with the theme Photo Competition III: CIA Travels through Photos’. This competition is held for public to join and does not require the participants to go out and search for new photos. Simply use your travelling pics back in the day!

Theme of photoshoot : Travel through Photos

Rules :
-Submit images in JPEG format.
Use color space sRGB.
Maximum file size: 45 MB (megabytes)
No watermarks or timestamps.

🏆Penghargaan bagi para pemenang :
Juara 1 – 150.000 & Sertifikat
Juara 2 – 50.000 & Sertifikat
Juara 3 – Sertifikat

💸Biaya Pendaftaran :
20k untuk Umum
15k untuk Binusian

Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran bisa langsung klik di link berikut :

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