Dies Natalis 40 YEARS OF BINUS

40th Anniversary of BINUS UNIVERSITY

On July 1st, #BINUSBersyukur for all the achievements and efforts that have been made over the past 40 years.

On this year’s 40th Anniversary, #BINUSBerkomitmen to continuing to develop education in Indonesia

Also on this occasion, #BINUSMenghargai all the hard work of the Binusians, because together with Binusian, BINUS UNIVERSITY has been able to stand up to this day.

The 40th Anniversary of BINUS carries the theme “Technology for Empowerment and Social Transformation”. #BINUSBersyukur and #BINUSMenghargai the public’s trust and support from all parties so far. #BINUSBerkomitmen is committed to continuing to foster and empower the community and play an active role in building a more advanced archipelago.

As part of a series of events for the 40th Anniversary, BINUS held a talk show with the topic “Developing Visionary Digital Mindset Toward Social Transformation to Empower the Nation” which aims to broaden our common knowledge about the importance of having a visionary digital mindset by utilizing technological advances in the world. the digital era in innovating for community development and strengthening the country’s competitiveness.