TOEFL, Why do you need it?

As we all know, English is the number one most commonly used language in the entire world. It has been used for many years with a long and rich history behind the language, but most importantly, it is recognized as a unifying international language. As such, many international institutions need their associates, whether a student or employee, to have a high fluency in English. And as such, many internationally accepting institutions or companies need everyone to pass an English fluency exam, such as TOEFL. Different institutions require different scores, some may require higher or lower TOEFL scores depending on their needs, however they still require the individual to take TOEFL in the first place. Now with this reason alone, many should consider taking their TOEFL exams a long time before they need it, as failure of TOEFL means you have to try again. You can start practicing English for TOEFL now, and book a test for TOEFL through their website.